Chapter 29 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 29


***Kallie's POV***

Im sitting in my room, well Harry's room, crying. I don't know how long I've been crying, but I do know that I gave him all my trust and he just threw it all away, like I ment nothing to him.

I just confessed everything to Harry and Lou about what has happened over the past few months. I was hoping for comfort from Harry, him telling me everything will be okay, But No! He decides to yell and scream at me having no clue what hell I've been though.

* Knock * Knock*

It was Lou. He has been outside the door for awhile now trying to get me to let him in. Harry tried once, apologizing and begging but Louis convinced him to give me some time to calm down.

* Knock * Knock *

Gosh this Guy is relentless. I finally got up to let him in.

****Louis POV****

* Click * She finally unlocked the door. I stood looking back down the hall to see if I could spot Harry anywhere. He was in the same place as earlier, laying on the couch. He had fallen asleep as I heard light snores coming from him.

I turned my attention back to Kallie as I entered the room. I quietly shut the door behind me, careful not to wake Harry. Kallie sat on the bed with her knees brought to her chest, and her face hidden in her knees.

I slowly made my way to the bed and sat beside her. You could hear the small whimpering coming from her as she cried. She looked up when she felt the bed sink in beside her. Her eyes where red and puffy from where she had been crying, she looked as if she hadn't slept for weeks.

"Come here" I spoke softly, opening my arms to embrace her in a much needed hug. Kallie willingly took the offer. She wrapped her arms around me as if I were leaving and never to return. She cried with what tears she had left.

I began to rub small circles around her lower back. Not far enough to make her think I'm trying to make a move or something, just low enough to calm her some. I also did some humming hoping it would speed up the process. I didn't want her to start hyperventilating. After about 10 minutes of circles and humming she began to calm.

"Why would he do that?" Kallie suddenly questioned me. "Who?" I asked her, not knowing if she was talking about Harry, James, or Jake. "Harry. I would have figured it would have been him comforting me, Whispering sweet things into my ear. Yet does the exact opposite. He dosent know what would happen in that house after all those times I left from seeing him. I wanted to tell him so many different times. Yet I knew what danger It could put my mother and me. She always told me that she did it for my sake. He has no clue how hard it was to have to walk away from my mom like that! Not knowing if she will live or not, and coming from that house I have nothing to do but assume the worst. I have nothing more to remember her by other then this necklace. "

Kallie chocked on her words at the end, But held up the necklace that was placed around her neck. "Lou. My mom told me to find Harry. What am I supposed to do? Because if all he is going to is yell and scream at me I might as well pack up and leave. Hell, he probably dosent even want me to stay."

"Yes I do." Harry said as he walked in. Wait! I thought he was asleep.



Okay guys! Sorry it took so long to update! and sorry its short! Ive been on vacation and reading some other fanfictions. I've had lots of writers block so work with me! oh and I forget to give props to miss @Kaleyfaith for helping me with my last chapter! the very begin all her!

My Flashback finally ended after 28 chapters! hahaha!

***okay I need to vent!***

Over the past 3 night's I have had a different dream but each containing the same Guy! black hair with blue eyes! very attractive boy! he has done no harm he just appears in each dream I've had! well I got to thinking what if its my mind telling me to bring Blake into my story sooner then I planned?! cause Blake is described as the Guy in my dreams! creepy?! well anyways should I being him back?!



Xx-Kendra C:

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