Chapter 21 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 21

****Kara-Beth's POV****

Kallie had just dragged me to the bathroom, and I had been eating tacos! Ugh! She better have pulled me away from my food for a good reason!

As we walked into the bathroom Kallie shut and locked the door behind us. "Kara-Beth! Do you know what's going on?!" Kallie whispered yelled at me. "No, what?!" I asked becoming concerned. "We are eating with one direction! I've been getting hit on by Harry styles! " she said still half yelling.

I recognized that name.. One Direction...? where though. I thought for a minute and that's when it clicked. My littlr sister is obsessed with them. Her room isn't covered in them or anything, I just always heard her talking about them. Well the band, I never really studied their lives and took the time to look up their names and junk.

I snapped my head over to Kallie's face. "This is awesome!" I said my face now gleaming. "Yeah I guess but just keep it cool. Don't spaz out or anything since we know now. Got it? " Kallie glared. I nodded and we walked from the bathroom back to the living room where everyone sat. We acted as if nothing had even happened.

****Kallie's POV****

"So, what do you wanna do since its your last day in LA with me?" Harry asked turning to face me. "hmmm?" I thought for a minute, "How about we go bowling and to the movies?" I suggested. Harry looked to everyone who nodded in okment.

"What are we going to see?" I asked. "Ooooo! Lets go see Iron man 3!" Kara shouted. "Sure! And lets go bowling after the movies! We can go cosmic bowling!" I stated. "Sounds like a plan!" Harry said. "Harry?" I called to him. "hmm?" "Can you take me and Kara back to my house? We need to change and stuff. We can always meet y'all there!" I told him. "Sure! No problem!" Harry responded!

Harry, Kara-Beth, and me all stood saying our temporary goodbyes, walking out to Harry's car parked out back. When we drove around to the front of the hotel, this time I noticed a large group of people out front with cameras. How hadn't I noticed them the first time?

When we finally reached my house I noticed my mom was home. I Also noticed James's car, which ment Jake was probably here too helping James finish up boxing a few of the beds and stuff.

I sighed. "What's wrong Kallie? " I looked over to see that Harry noticed my rather loud sigh. "James and Jake are here helping my mom finish up some stuff. I was just really hoping I wouldn't have to see him again today." I responded a bit upset.

"I'm staying." Harry said. "Huh?" me and Kara said in unison. We both gave Harry this very confused look. "I'm staying utill you guys finish getting ready. After you two are finished, we can go back to the hotel, and I'll get ready. I'll just tell the lads they can just meet us at the Movies." Harry explained. "You don't have to do that. " Kara-Beth stated. I mean Kara was right, he didn't and shouldn't. As much as I wanted him to... I would just feel bad.

"No I don't," Harry said looking back at Kara-Beth, Then Turing his attention back to me and continuing, "But I want to."



So what do you think of this chapter? Like? Oh! Yeah! I wouldn't know! You people never speak to me! #rude! Hahaha! jk! I loves y'all even though you don't talk! Oh and if you didn't noticed I made up my own word! "Okment!" Ahaha! Soo I might try to update again tonight! If I can't I will try tomorrow! But if I do update tonight it might be late! Well, soooo I guess that's it! Byeeeeeeee!



Xx-Kendra C:

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