Chapter 4 (Harry Styles Fan-Fiction)

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Chapter 4

I had ran out to my car, and jumped in. I maneged to put the key into the ignition, and start my car. Just as I was about to back out of the parking lot, I heard a knock on my window. I glanced up to see someone who I didn't recognize at first. I figured it was going to be Kara-Beth, but instead I saw the tall dark haired boy. " Let me in, please." I sighed and cautiously unlocked the doors, to let him in. "Listen," he spoke softly in a sweet, ensuring voice. " my names Blake, I know you don't know me, but I wanna tell you something. I heard the conversation back inside, and I'm sorry, but I know what you're going through. When I was 15, I moved from New York to here in LA. Left everything I knew and loved behind. Trust me, things will get better, you just have to give it some time. " Without another word, Blake got out of my car closed, the door, and left me to think. About 5 minutes, I heard another knock at my window. I looked up, and sighed in relief when I saw it was Kara-Beth. Her eyes were red and puffy, she looked as if she had been crying. I unlocked the doors once more so she could get in. She asked me to take her home, so I did. We rode in silence the whole way to her house. When we reached her place, she did the exact same thing as Blake. She got out without a goodbye, and walked inside. I really didn't feel like going back home right now, so I drove to the park that my dad always took me when I was younger. I immediately found my way to a pair of familiar swings, and sat. Thinking of what new life lies ahead of me in London. Suddenly, I jumped to the buzzing of my phone. I looked to see it was my mom. "Hello?" I quietly huffed into my phone. "Honey are you okay? Where are you? Do I need to pick you up?" my mom was shouting all of these concerned questions into my ear. "Mom! Mom! I'm fine, just out thinking." "Okay, well I just saw you rush out of the restaurant and wanted to make sure you where ok." "I'm fine. I'll be home later." who knew when later would be with me, especially now with all these things pounding in my head. "Okay sweetheart, just let me know when you are coming home, or at least get here." "Okay bye mom." click. The line went dead. " Hasn't anyone ever told you, pretty girls like you shouldn't be out late at night by themselves?" Normally I would have been frightened by someone creeping around like that. Instead, I found myself interested by the voice. It was a deep, low, British voice. I strained my neck trying to find where this voice came from. Suddenly I heard a creaking noise next to me. I looked to my left and saw a boy who looked my age. Not Blake, obviously, but this one had dark brown hair, and extremely curly. I could see the large dimpled smile he had displayed on his face. His eyes looked a sparkling emerald, but it was hard to tell with the only light source being an old lamp pole nearby. "Hasn't anyone ever told you its impolite to sneak up on strangers?" I snapped back at him. "They never said anything about cute strangers!" he stated sounding a bit cocky. I could see the smirk on his face from where I sat. "Well played!" I said admitting defeat. I figured it would be okay to joke around with him, I felt like there was no reason to feel threatened by him. "I'm Harry. Harry Styles." I felt like I knew that name, but yet I didn't. "I'm Kallie. Kallie Crawford." I said in a mocking like voice. I heard him laughing at me, I thought his laugh was rather cute.

I don't know how long we sat out in the park talking, it seemed like forever if you asked me though. Suddenly, I felt something in my pocket, my phone. I took it out to see I had a text from Kara-Beth.

Kare Bare: Sorry about tonight, just the thought of you leaving kills me. wanna meet up tomorrow and have a movie day?

Me: sounds great! and its okay. I know exactly how you feel!

Kare Bear: Okayy. Ill text you tomorrow. good night. love you.

Me: Night. Love you too!

Right before I put my phone down, I checked the time. 12:16. I looked up to see Harry observing me. I grinned. When he noticed me, he quickly seemed to find his hands very interesting. "Well, as much as I've loved spending time with you I've got to go." you could hear the sadness in my voice. "No. please don't go, I'm having such a good time!" Harry begged me to stay, but I couldn't, I needed to get home. I knew my mom would be waiting up for me. "How about I make a deal with you?" I questioned "What kind of deal might this be?" Harry asked. "What if I give you my number, and we meet up again soon?" I was hoping and praying he would say yes. "hmm" he acted as if he was thinking really hard, "Sounds like a date " he grinned a cheeky smile. We laughed as we both exchanged numbers, " bye Cutie " Harry called after me. " cya dimples! " I heard him laugh again as I got in my car and headed home. When I finally pulled into my drive way, I hoped out off my car and strolled inside. I found my mom sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Sorry I'm so late mom" I apologized. "its okay, your home and safe. You got a lot of news tonight" she said understandingly. "Go on to bed, I'll see you in the morning. " I nodded and ran upstairs to get ready for bed. I changed into a t-shirt and a pair of sleeping shorts, and climbed into bed. I plugged my phone up to its charger, and rested my head on my pillows. I couldn't seem to get that Harry Guy out of my head. Just before my thoughts got the best of me and I started to doze off, I got a text. I opened my phone to see the text was from Harry. I grinned.

Harry: Goodnight beautiful (:

Kallie: Goodnight (:

I soon drifted off into a peaceful, deep sleep. Thinking of Harry Styles.



So guys! New chapter! The next one will start of with Harry's POV! I really hope you guys are liking the story! share it! get your friends reading! I will also be able to write more often cause its SPRING BREAK 2013!!!!! Whoop whoop!




Xx-Kendra C:

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