Chapter 5 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 5

***Harry's POV***

(still in flashback)

The boys and I Had just finished a concert, and we we're just sitting around the hotel. We where going to be in LA for about a week, then we we're going back to London for a much needed break. " Guys, I'm bored! lets go eat or something." I looked to see a whining Niall laying flat on his face, in the middle of the floor. " Yeah, I could go for a bite." Zayn agreed. I looked around to see everyone else making small head nods agreeing, and so I figured why not. We all stood up and made our way to the door. "So where exactly are we going to get food at this time of night? " I questioned, noticing it was about 11:05pm. " McDonald's!" I heard in a very high pitch, Irish voice. " McDonald's it is then." Louis chimed in a very happy sounding tone. When we arrived to McDonald's, we all sat down after ordering. The boys found their way onto a topic about some interview we had a while back, but I found my mind wondering off into another world. I began to think about what I would do, when we returned to London. I was very excited to get back, I always enjoyed going back to see my mum and everyone. I was soon brought back to reality when I noticed Zayn and Niall waking towards our table with the food. The boys and I sat at the table chatting and laughing then suddenly someone's phone started to ring. We all looked around trying to figure out who's it was, until we all brought our focus to Liam. He stood from the table telling us all he would be a second. We all assumed it must have been Danielle, Liam really enjoyed being with her, you could see it on his face. Though, when Liam returned to the table, he didn't look as if he had just been talking to Danielle. He look almost a little upset. " Hey what's wrong Li?" Louis pondered. " Well I just got off the phone with Paul." "And?" I encouraged Liam to continue. " He said we have to stay in LA for about another week, management scheduled plenty more interviews to do since we're here." Everyone groned in unison except me. I felt sad, I was really looking forward to getting a break. Sometime off to spend with my family, then that's where I felt angry bubble up inside of me. I stood from where I was seated and started to walk to the door or the fast food restaurant. "Harry? Where are you going?" Niall asked.

I looked back to see all the lads staring at me, their eyes full of concern. I wasn't like me to just walk off after hearing something like that. " I was just really looking forward to getting back. Now we've got to stay, I'm just going to go walking. Don't wait up for me, I'll meet up with you guys later at the hotel." They all nodded and looked at me understandingly now, so I continued my journey to the door. I walked until I found myself at a local park. As I was walking I heard someone, what seemed to be a females voice. I walked until I found the source, It was a girl that seemed to be around my age. She had dark brown hair, and was dressed in a tank top, and shorts. She made her way over to the swings and sat down. She had just gotten off the phone, she sounded a bit upset. I made my way up behind her. "Hasn't anyone ever told you, pretty girls like you shouldn't be out late at night by themselves?" Once I said that I realized how creepy sounding that came out, but soon got over the thought after I heard her response. "Hasn't anyone ever told you its impolite to sneak up on strangers?" I quickly came up with a cheeky response, which I thought was pretty good. "They never said anything about cute strangers!" I then placed a huge smirk onto face, big enough so I knew she could see it. "Well played!" you could hear the defeat sound in her voice, not the bad kind. The kind where you're just kidding, you know what I mean. I figured I should introduced myself, so yet again I decided to be a bit cheesy. "I'm Harry. Harry Styles." She looked at me for a second like she recognized me, but that soon passed over. "I'm Kallie. Kallie Crawford." I chuckled at her, hearing that she was mocking me. I had really enjoyed sitting at the park with Kallie. I mean even though I just met her, I really seemed to like her. Suddenly, I heard what sounded to be a buzzing, like vibration. I looked over to Kallie to see her taking out her phone, she looked to be texting. So I decided to take the chance and observe her, to take in all her features. Kallie was truly beautiful. I don't think I'd ever met someone so stunning. I glanced up, trying to see if I could spot her eyes. I really wanted to know what color they where. In my attempt to see her eyes, she so happened to stop texting and caught me observing her. I looked down, suddenly finding my hands interesting. "Well, as much as I've loved spending time with you I've got to go." I looked up to see her standing about to leave, you could hear the sadness in her voice. "No. please don't go, I'm having such a good time!" I begged Kallie to stay. I was honestly enjoying my time with her. "How about I make a deal with you?" she questioned "What kind of deal might this be?" I asked. "What if I give you my number, and we meet up again soon?" she suggested. "hmm" I acted as if I was thinking really hard, "sounds like a date " I grinned a cheeky smile. we laughed as we both exchanged numbers, " bye Cutie " I called after her as she strutted off. " cya dimples! " I laughed as I watched her get in her car and drive off. I decided that I might wanna get back to the hotel since it was late and Paul nor the lads knew where I was or had been. On my journey back I began to think about Kallie, she called me dimples. How did she know I had dimples? She was taking in my features, but hey who wouldn't wanna take in my features. I chuckled to myself, because of how cocky I sounded. When I finally reached the hotel, I took the short elevator ride up to the 4th floor where me and the boys rooms where. When I got to our floor, I walked to our room, and attempted to sneak in. When I got into the room and successful shut the door, I thought I was home free. "Eehhhemm!" I spun around quickly to see Lou sitting on the couch stroking a pillow. "Gosh Louis! You scared the living crap out of me!" I half yelled, half whispered not knowing if the other boys where asleep. "Haz, I've been worried sick. you weren't answering your phone, or texting back. Where have you been?!" I felt bad for making him worry, although it just makes me wonder how concerned the others where. Especially Liam. "I'm sorry Lou. Just got really upset, then got caught up in something while I was out." I replied honestly. "Caught up in what?" "Nothing really, don't worry about it. " I lied, it wasn't nothing it was someone and she was pure bliss, I smiled. Crap. " You met a girl didn't you!?" Louis jumped up running in my direction. "Maybe." I grinned side stepping Louis "attack". I made a B-line straight to my room, trying to avoid Lou's questions. "Who is she? Is she cute? Can I meet her? Where did you meet her?" I successfully made it to my room. "Goodnight Louis." then shut and locked the door before he could get in. I heard a sigh, followed by footsteps and a door opening then closing. I then quickly threw on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt, and plopped myself down onto the bed. I decided to text Kallie a little goodnight text.

Harry: Goodnight beautiful (:

Kallie: Goodnight (:

I then laid my phone down on the dresser beside me, and drifted off in to a deep, peaceful sleep, thinking of Kallie.



So what do you guys think? good so far? sorry for not updating like I said I would. got busy and now I'm getting sick like. strep? allergies? no "spring" isn't here yet. its still winter outside.anyway, I made this one long to hopefully make up for it! but I think these past two chapters have been pretty good! If y'all will please introduced my book to some of your friends or something that would be great too! ohh and if y'all have any idea or would enjoy to see something in the book! comment and let me know and most likely I can work it in. I've got some Great plans for the rest of the book though! hopefully updating soon!


Xx-Kendra C:

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