Chapter 17 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 17

****Kara-Beth's POV****

I darted upstairs. I couldn't stand the fact my best friend is moving so far away.. I mean don't get me wrong, I was happy she would have Harry there, but I wouldn't be.

I was laying face down on Kallie's bed when I heard small sounds of footsteps, growing louder as they got closer.

I heard Kallie's door creak open then her bed sink down. "Kara.." it was Kallie. "What?!" I snapped, I don't know why I'm being mean. She can't help she is moving. " I just came to check on you.. are you okay?" she questioned.

I sat up and turned facing Kallie. "Well it's just I can't manage to grasp the fact my best friend is moving away so far..." I trailed off. "Not trying to sound mean but its not going to be easy for either of us. Im going to have to make new friends, I mean im having to leave everything I've ever really known. Im moving in with Jake and that is kinda scary. Who knows what James is capable of. It kills me on the inside too knowing im moving across the world from you..but I will do anything it takes to stay in contact with you. Skype, text, call, anything. We can even fly you out when we get settled in." Kallie spoke, a singel tear streaming down her face.

I then pulled he into a tight hug. "Promise?" I asked my voice shakey. "Promise."



Sorry for such a short chapter! I've got lots of studying to do tonight! next week I have ARMT Tuesday -Friday so work with me! anyways enjoying the book? what about this short chapter? I'm probably still talking to myself too! I bet none of y'all read this! you just skip over it thinking 'I do what I want!' whatever! byeeeee!



Xx-Kendra C:

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