Part 2 / Chapter 36 (Harry Styles fanfic)

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Quick A/N: I do qoute taken! I give all props to them! okay so I really don't wanna hear anyone saying stuff like 'you stole that!' or anything! Okayy continue!

Chapter 36

"Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love" - Nelson Rockefeller

"To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world." - Brandi Snyder

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." - Judy

"Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it." - Swedish proverb

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." - Judy Garland

Jakes POV

I turned on my right blinker and slowly cruised into into a restraunt parking lot. I parked a couple cars over and behind from a very familiar black Range Rover. I cut my car off trying to seem less noticeable.I was in a brand new silver infinite so I figured Kallie wouldn't recognize the car as mine.

I scanned the parking lot seeing there where not many people here. Then I looked into the huge class window of the restraunt, I had a clear view of what belonged to me and her dick of a boyfriend. You may be wondering how I found them. Well they have these stalkers called paparazzie. Well anyways, my plan was to wait till they left and follow them. See where she has been staying (My guess is with Harry).

I decided to get comfortable not knowing how long I would be here. I leaned my car seat back just enough where I was still able to see into the restraunt. As I was watching them from outside my phone began to ring. I didn't even bother to look at the caller I.D. I just picked up my phone and slid my finger across the bottom of the screen and pressed the phone to my ear.

"talk." I spoke sternly into the phone. " Well hello to you too" they spoke shocked but continued "Well I was hoping for a thanks for helping you and James out of prison" they retorted. "Oh I'm so sorry . Where are my manners? Thank you so so very much Blake for helping me and my dad escape prison." I said sounding so enthusiastic.*note the sarcasm*. "Ha.Ha.Ha. Your soooo funny." Blake "laughed". "What do want Blake." I huffed into the phone. " Nothing really I was just wondering what you have been doing. Have you found Kallie yet?" He asked. "My gosh Blake . Really ? I'll call you later . I'm kinda in the middle of something right now." and without a goodbye I hung up the phone setting it in my lap.

When I layed back in my seat, I looked up into the restraunt to see Kallie stand and walk towards the back of the restraunt with her phone to her ear. I watched as everyone continued on with their conversions, with the exception of Harry taking a few glances towards the direction of Kallie .

After a few minutes had passed Kallie walked back into the room. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. I watched as Kallie sat down and looked as if she began to look off into the distance. Everyones attention was soon brought to her. When she came to, she began talking. As she continued to talk peoples facial expressions began to grow worried. I wondered what she was telling them. When she finishes talking, Harry stood and escorted her to his car.

When they pulled out of the parking lot, I carefully followed after. I made sure to keep about a 2 car distance from them. After about a 10 minute dive, I watched as Harry turned into a nice paved driveway. You know the ones that curve around in the front of the house? Well it was one of those.

I pulled a u turn at the nearest stop sign and drove back to what I guessed was Harry's house. I parked my car about two houses down then turned Turned off my car. I saw that the only light on in the house seemed to be coming from downstairs, Only I spoke to soon.

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