Chapter 22 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 22

****Kallie's POV****

We had gotten out of Harry's car and went into the house. As soon as we entered we were greeted by my mom. "Well hey there. " my mom smiled, "I didn't expect for you to get home so early. What are you guys up to?"

"We are going to go bowling and to the movies with some people. Me and Kara-Beth needed to change first though." I replied. "Ohh, well here since you two need to get dressed, Harry let me introduce you to my soon to be stepson Jake." My mom then started calling Jake to come here. Great! This is not going to end well...

****Harry's POV****

I was currently in Kallie's backyard with Jake, the tension out there was so thick you could slice it with a knife. "So Jerry.." Jake started, "It's Harry." I interrupted him, " Whatever. I noticed you seem to be attracted to Kallie, am I wrong?" He questioned me. I didn't answer him. I wanted to see where he was going with this. "Well wanna know something bud," Jake came close and began to whisper so only the two of us could hear, " When we get to London your not always going to be around. Majority of the time it will just be me and Kallie... and you know what I'm going to do when it's just us? I'm going to rip that girls innocents from her. Then ever time we are alone, im going to make her scream out in pain and agony.. you never know maybe one day I'll invite some friends over."

With that Jake stepped away from me and placed a huge smirk on his face. Did this douche forget what I did to him earlier!? I was so infuriated with the information he just told me, I couldn't hold back any longer.

I did what any normal man would to in this situation, I punched the shit of him. He deserved this. Why would someone even think about doing that to someone, I mean come on.

Jake laid on the ground groaning in pain. Finally when he stood from the ground it was my turn to talk. "Listen, if I ever find out you laid another hand on Kallie, I will personally rip your fingers off one by one and feed them to some muts. Got it?" Jake nodded not ready to get hit again.

"Now we are going to go back inside, when they ask what happened to your face, your going to tell them we where wrestling in the backyard, just playing having some fun. Got it?" I questioned him. I wasn't really up for his bull, it's bad enough Kallie is going to have to live with him.

We casually made our way back inside. Kallie and Kara-Beth had just came from upstairs, and was ready to go. But right before we left, Kallie's mom and soon to be stepdad where at the door.

"Jake boy what happened to your face?" I'm guessing this was his dad. I looked to Jake who was standing beside me. "Uhh.. me and Harry were out back just playing, wrestling and it kinda just happened ..." "Harry guess you'll have to teach him some moves one day." The man complimented me.

I nodded in agreement and looked to Kallie and Kara-Beth. "Ready?" I asked, they nodded so we began to make our way out. Right as I started to walk from Jake's side he whispered "another time." I snapped my head back to see him smirking again.

I then felt a small tug on my arm, only to see it was Kallie telling me to come on. I turned and walked out with her. I shut the door behind me and made my way to the car.

As soon as we entered the car and I had backed out of Kallie's driveway, I felt a long and hard gaze burning into the side if my head. I then felt a soft, small hand grab hold of mine. "What happened out there?" Kallie questioned.

"Jake said somethings I didn't agree with so I let him have it." I Stated nonchalantly. I then started to hear snickering coming from the back seat after I stated that. The snickering soon turned into full out laughter, I think I even heard some snorting coming from back there.

The laughter kinda distracted Kallie from her recent question about me and Jake. I was kinda glad about the fact she forgot the question. I don't know if I could stand telling her what Jake said. I do know though that if he does lay hands on her I will beat his ass. I will also get her out of her that house, I might even ask her... No. I'll just wait. I have no clue if I'll have to ask her that, we'll at least not so soon...



Definitely one of my favorite chapters! What are you guys thinking! Tell me! What did you think Harry might have to asked her? Oh and Jake! Like gosh, I'm getting worked up over my own book! Well I hope you are glad I wrote this.. I stayed up late typing this! Oh and thanks for 200 READS!!! Well LOVES YALL!!!



Xx-Kendra C:

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