Chapter 7 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 7

****Kallie's POV****

I was driving downtown looking for the café Harry told me to meet him at, it was called 'The corner Café'. "Ahaa!" there it is! Sitting right on the corner! I parked my car a couple stores down,got out of my car, then locked the doors. When I entered the café I got a warm fuzzy feeling. I scanned the café looking for Harry but didn't see him. I spotted a little area in the corner with a brown sectional, it looked rather comfortable so I went and took a seat right in the corner of the sofa and waited for Harry. *buzz* My phone went off. I dug through my purse and pulled my phone out. Harry had texted me.

Harry: Sorry Love, I'll be there in about 5-10 minutes. Traffic. Xx-Harry

Kallie: Its okay! I got us a couch! see you soon(: Xx-Kallie

Harry: Sounds great(: Xx-Harry

With that I put my phone back into my purse and closed it. I decided to look at the café's menu until Harry came. *Ding* Someone had just entered the store.'Well that was fast!' I thought. I turned my attention to the door hoping it was Harry, but to my surprise it was the waiter from Red Lobster. Blake. He glanced over to my direction, smiled, and began to walk towards me. Gosh! Why is he coming to talk to me? I hardly know the Guy! "Hey, this seat taken?" Blake questioned. "Actually I..." I started to answer but was cut off. "Great! So why are you here all alone?" "Well, I'm actually waiting on someone." I stated. "Well they won't mind me keeping you company will they?" Great! Now Blake is hitting on me. I suddenly felt someone plop down next to me. I looked to my right only to see Blake inches from me. It was bad enough he was sitting so close, but now he has his hand mid thigh. Not liking this. "So how has it been Kallie is it?" "Pretty good I guess." I stated, trying to sound the least bit interested. Wait a second! He called me Kallie! How in the heck does he know my name? *ding* My head snapped to the door to see Harry walking in.Thank God!



Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I'm trying to update more! I was going to post last night but I needed to review my grammar and stuff so yeah. but what do you think about that? Blake all of a sudden back in the picture?!?! and he is hitting on her! well guys! I would love if y'all could get me some more readers! it would mean a lot! updating soon!(:



Xx-Kendra C:

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