Chapter 28 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 28

****Louis' POV****

Me being my clumsy self, I knocked a cup off the bedside table that was next to mine and Harry's couch. I franticaly went pick it up as if that would contain the volume of the noise. Harry then slightly shouted somthing about being considerable of Kallie and her need of rest.

About 5 or 10 minutes later, me and Harry heard the sound of a door opening, followed by the sound of footsteps walking our direction. Harry turned and mouthed to me 'Nice going'.

I threw my hands up slightly frustrated and retorted in a sassy tone, "Well I'm not the one who left the cup on the table!" Harry rolled his eyes at my remark. "Mhmm! That's what I thought Boo Bear!" I snapped my fingers in a 'Z' formation Causing Harry to raise his hands up in defeat.

I crossed my arms turning my attention back to telly. While doing so, we heard a slight giggles coming from behind us. We turned to see Kallie gigging at the current scene I made.

"Do you guys do this often?" She spoke holding back the urge to laugh. "You would be amazed what happens around here with Lou." Harry chuckled. I just grinned a mischievous grin, then patted the space in-between me and Harry signaling Kallie to sit.

Kallie then slowly made her way around the couch and sat in between me and Harry. After about 15 minutes of comfortable silence watching the telly, Kallie let out a rather distraught sigh catching mine and Harry's attention.

We both exchanged weird yet concerned looks. "Carry on." I suddenly spoke. Kallie gave me a weird look. "Hmm, I see. Well Mrs. Crawford me and Harry here are going to need some more information to understand. No pressure. " I smirked at her causing her to playfully shove me. "No really though Kallie. You can always talk to me and Harry." I spoke cheerfully. "Yeah! Anytime, any place, you can always rely on us!" Harry chimed in.

Little did she know, Harry wasn't going to be as reliable as he claimed to be.

After the little small heart to heart, I guess you could call it, Kallie's face turned serious. "Well guys, I think its about time I tell you why I needed to be picked up so badly." She started. Me and Harry turned facing her as she continued on telling us her reasoning.

*****Harry's POV******

By the time Kallie had managed to choke out the last few words of her story my blood was boiling. I was a little disappointed that Kallie didn't tell me. On the other hand I was infuriated with Jake and James. How could they just to that to such innocent people?

I rose from my position on the couch, and began pacing back and forth. Louis was comforting Kallie as she cried into his shoulder. That should be me holding her, comforting her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Kallie why didn't you tell me?" I questioned her. There was a little brutalness in my tone, but I was having mixed emotions. She lifted her head from Louis to speak "I wanted too but they threatened me and my mom. There was no way of getting away. I was confused and didn't know how to handle it." She began crying harder. "Kallie! I told you if he ever laid a finger on you to let me know!" I was now kinda pissed she had been hiding this from me for so long. "Harry...." I cut Kallie off. "No Kallie! Why would you hide something like this?" I shouted at her. She looked at me as if this wasn't really happening.

"Harry, mate. Relax a little your scaring her, and th..." I cut Louis off too. "Shut it Lou! This doesn't concern you!" I gave him a long glare. I then walked up to Kallie taking her forearm revealing several bruises, scars, and lines lined back to back.

"You cut yourself Kallie?" I was so shocked by the scars and bruises I never realised my voice went soft. "Yes Harry. I did! I didn't know what else to do or who to turn to. So many times I almost told you but feared the worst for me and my mom. You have no clue what kind of hell I went through!" She angrily yelled. Tears streamed down her face as she snatched her arm from me and took off to my room. Louis just shook his head at me, while he went to check on Kallie.

Gosh Harry. What did you just do?



Heyyy Guy's! I know it's been like a week! sorrry! Hahah! well what do you think?! don't hate me for this?! I felt Harry need to act out a little more! oh and I had writers block writing this! but I had some help so its all good! Ohh and amazing news FLASHBACK ENDS NEXT CHAPTER!!! yayyy for no more flashback! I'm sorry I know it was long! whatever! so tell me if y'all have any ideas!! oh and some comments would be greatly appreciated! maybe I might see who is reading this! maybe next chapter I wont update till I have some comments and reads! better get to work loves! Mwahhh! BYYEEEE!


Xx-Kendra C:

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