Chapter 11(Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 11

****Harry's POV****

I was currently downstairs cooking some breakfast for me and Kallie. Kallie had just recently come from upstairs, and hugged me tightly. "goodmorning harry!" Kallie yelled cheerfully into my ear scaring me, causing me to flip the current pancake, that I was cooking, to the ceiling sticking there.

"well goodmorning to you too!" I responded a bit surprised. Kallie was laughing at me, but then started up the countertops with a spatula, I'm guessing to get the pancake down. Kallie and I were making small talk till suddenly 'Plop' I reached up to my hair to feel something somewhat sticky.

Kallie was laughing extremely hard, she had just put the pancake from the ceiling in my hair. I took the pancake that was in the pan out and cut off the stove. I then grabbed Kallie by her waist and sat her on the floor.

"What are you doing? " Kallie questioned me in-between laughs. I didn't respond I just picked up the flour from behind me and threw some directly in her face. She gasped,"This means war."

****Kallie's POV****

I snatched the flour from Harry and threw a bunch at him. Then suddenly 'crack'. "Harryy!" he had just cracked like three eggs into my hair. "What?" he asked laughing his head off.

I then reaches over to the counter and smeered butter all over Harry! "Nothing " I said as casual as I could. Which was acutely pretty hard, the fact both me and Harry was a mess. Suddenly, I was laughing so hard I hadn't realized I'd dropped the butter and was about to slip.

Right before I had came into contact with the floor, something caught me. I opened my eyes to see a pair of emerald ones staring back at me. "Careful." Harry told me. "Well hello there!" My mom and Kara-Beth walked in.

Harry helped me up to my upright position. "Hi mom, Kara" I spoke a little embarrassed. Harry just waved ackwardly like. "Well who is this? " my mother asked. "Harry, mom. mom,Harry." "Nice to meet you " Harry extended his hand to shake my mothers then looked down to realize he was a mess, so instead gave a small head nod.

"ehhm." I looked to Kara-Beth. "ohh yeah, this Is my best friend Kara-Beth" she smiled wide and proud. "hi" Harry smiled. "Well how about you two go get cleaned up and we can go out for breakfast huh?" I nodded. "Okay great. Harry you can just leave your stuff out and ill wash and dry it for you." Both me and Harry nodded, and then went upstairs to shower and change.



Sorry for not updating in a bit! I know this chapter is crappy,but I hope you like this chapter! I'm working on updating more. but im going to be jam packed the next two weeks or so. school is almost over and teat are getting harder I've got tryouts on the 25th and clinic 22-24th so work with me! Thanks!



Xx-Kendra C:

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