Chapter 23 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 23

****Kallie's POV****

After we left Harry's hotel, we drove to the bowling ally to meet up with the others. "Man! You girls look great." Louis stated. I was dressed in a pair of white high waisted shorts, and I had on a shear, peach crop top. My hair was French braided into a low pony tail to the side. I also had on my rainbows with the braided strap.

Kara was dressed in a pair of denim shorts, with a superman crop top. She also had on a pair of black vans. Harry, Kara-Beth and I spotted all the boy's in the arcade, We walked to where they were. "gosh Lou, your were right, they do look good." Zayn said aloud while licking his lips. Harry then sent zayn another glare.

I touched Harry's shoulder, letting him know that it was ok. Harry looked at me, his eyes full of annoyance. "How about we go start bowling? " I suggested. "yessss! " Niall yelled, grabbing my hand and tugging me to the counter to get our shoes.

Once we got our shoes and went to our lanes we chose teams. It was Me, Harry, Niall, and Louis on a team, Then there was Kara, zayn, and Liam together.

We had been bowling for a good solid hour now. We had gotten in one game, that my team won of course. " Hey guys im going to go get something to drink. Do you guys want something? " I was currently dieing of thirst, so I figured I would go get everyone some drinks.

I retrieved everyones order then began my journey to the concession stand. "wait!" my head snapped back to see zayn running towards me. "I'm going to help you carry everything back." zayn smirked at me. I just gave a small head nod and smile and continued to walk. Zayn trailed close behind me, I felt him staring the back side of me down.

As we were walking I noticed the game room were we met up with the guys. Suddenly I was jerked into that game room by Zayn. He positioned himself where he was standing infront of me with his hands above me. Zayn had a dark look of lust in his eyes.

****ZAYN POV****

I had managed to contain the sexual feeling that I had towards Kallie since I first laid eyes on her. The containment has now vanished into thin air. I wanted to take her here and now. I grunted in frustration knowing there was no way possible. I had her pinned against a wall, She was trapped no where for her her to go. She was so innocent, so fragile.

" I like you. I like you alot. Your very innocent and I love that. Your sexy and I want you. I need you. I will have you." I had leaned in close whisper softly into her ear. I looked into her beautiful light Brown eyes for any sort of response. But I got nothing, I couldn't quite grasp anything. " With that I backed away and continued the journey to getting soda....



Heyyyy guys! i finally got it up! please dont hate me. im trying. i made it longer! please comment and tell me what you think. well ill see you guys soon!*** sorry for grammar didn't have time to check it :/


Xx-Kendra c:

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