Chapter 6 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 6

****Kallie's POV****

BANG! BANG! BANG! " Kallie get up!" I groaned. I was woken up by my mom pounding on my door. " You need to start packing! and I also want you to meet someone!" "Okay mom I'll be down in 15!" I called out. I then heard what sounded to be footsteps walking away from my door. I pushed my covers from my body, and then made my way to bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then went back to my room to find something to wear. I decided on a pair of athletic Nike shorts and a fitted t-shirt. I left my hair natural and wavy, and put on some light make up. "Kallie! Get down here!" Mom sounded a bit frustrated with me so I rushed downstairs only to be greeted by James and a stranger. 'Well who Is this?' I thought to myself. "Kallie I want you to meet you new step brother Jake" my mother motioned to the younger male beside James. I extended my arm to shake his hand, but instead, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. Well that was unexpected. Although, as Jake was hugging me, I felt his hands get lower by the second. He almost touched my butt until I pulled away with a strong force. It was like he didn't want to let go. He had a huge smirk on his face. He was tall, very masculine, and had dark eyes like James. But what I found odd was Jake's beach blonde hair, must have gotten it from his mom. "Kallie, why don't you and Jake go upstairs and start packing up your room? Get to know each other and bond some" my mom suggested. Her and her stupid suggestions. I had just met this guy and he almost touched my butt! And now she wants me alone with him! "Sounds great! lets go Kallie!" the next thing I know Jake has my hands and I'm getting dragged up my stairs. When we reached my room, I huffed went straight to my closet to get the boxes. Right as I bent down to retrieve the boxes I felt something, no someone grab my but. I shot up and turned around to see that same stupid smirk on Jake's face. I Slapped it right off. Suddenly I was slammed against the nearest wall, my wrists pinned above my head. "You little bitch!" I wiggled trying to get free. No use, I wasn't going anywhere. "Fistey! I like that. To bad your going to be my new sister". He bit his lip while he looked me up and down. I looked away from him in disgust. Next thing I new he was kissing my neck! I felt my eyes brim with tears. "Jake! let's go!" James. That was the first time I was actually happy to hear his voice. Jake grunted, he leaned close to my ear and whispered "Another time." I shivered. He kissed right below my ear and walked out. I stood frozen, I couldn't believe what had just happened, my soon to be "brother" just hit on me! My phone buzzed. My head snapped over, I ran to my bed hoping it was Kara-Beth. Harry Styles flashed across my phone. 'Even better' I thought! "Hello?" I answered "Hey, a-are you busy?" Harry questioned. I giggled, he studdered, how cute he's nervous! " Not really what's up?" "Well I was wondering if.." ummf! I think he dropped the phone. I heard a lot of noise, people. "HARRY! IS THAT THE GIRL?!? I WANNA TALK TO HER! HARRRRRY!" I giggled again. So Styles has been talking to me about his friends has he?

****Harry's POV****

I was literally just attacked by Louis while I was on the phone with Kallie! I had called her to see if she wanted to go grab some coffee from a local café. "HARRY! IS THAT THE GIRL?!? I WANNA TALK TO HER! HARRRRRY!" Louis was yelling right into my ear and I had dropped my cellphone. "No Louis! Go away!" I was frantically looking for my phone before he could find it. "Heyyyyy girl! How you doin?" Crap. Louis found my phone. "Louis! " I was furious. I ran to Louis and tackled him. We wrestled for about 5 minutes until I finally got my phone back. "Sorry about him, he can be a handful." I heard giggling through the line, I figure she finds it humorous. I smiled though, she has a cute laugh. "It's okay!" "So since your not that busy, do you maybe wanna meet up at that café downtown?" you could probably hear in my voice I sounded desperate but I didn't care, I wanted to see her. "Sure, that sounds great! how about I meet you there in about 15 minutes?" "Sounds great! Cya there!" I quickly hung up and rushed to get ready. Soon enough I was heading out the door to the café.



Sorry Guy's I haven't been updating! I'm trying to update at least once a day or every other day! school has gotten to me, and I've got dance line tryouts soon! wish me luck! but thanks to everyone who keeps reading!



Xx-Kendra C:

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