Chapter 13 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 13

****Harry's POV****

Kallie: Busy?

Kallie had just texted me for the first time since I had seen her yesterday. I had spent the whole day with her, her bestfriend Kara-Beth, and her mum. We had a little movie day/night at her place. It was nice.

Harry: Nope, what's up love?

Kallie: Come to my place we need to talk.

Harry: Ok be there in 10 -XxHarry

Suddenly these crazy thoughts started to flood my mind. Like what if she wanted to DTR? ( define the relationship ). Then out of nowhere I got to thinking of some negative things. Like she is dating someone already, or maybe she doesn't wanna ever see me again.

I pushed the thoughts from my head as I had pulled into Kallies driveway and gotten out making my way to the door. I knocked on her door, only to be greeted by a stranger. " Who are you?" The starnger hissed. "Harry. Im looking for Kallie." The guy just stared at me. "Why are you looking for her?" he stated angeryly. "Well she asked me..." I was cut of by the sound of Kallies voice. "Move Jake".

Kallie shoved this 'Jake' guy out of the doorway so she could get to me. Jake glared at me before walking off mumbling something under his breath. "Come on" Kallie led me into her home. The first thing I noticed was the house was more empty since I was here last time, the was also a varitey of packed boxes lying around.

Kallie then led me to her room and closed the door behind us. She sat down on her bed and looked up at me, then patted the spot next to her. I took the spot next to her.She looked as if she was about to cry. I ran my hand across her smooth cheek. She looked down. "Kallie love, what is it you need to talk to me about?" I was now worried about what she had to tell me, with her behavior and all.

****Kallie's POV****

I was on the verge of tears. Why, I had only just met him like a week ago, yet its felt like years. Harry gentley ran his smooth hand along my cheek. Harry then spoke "Kallie love, what is it you need to talk to me about?" "Harry. I...I...Im moving to London in two days." I finally choked out. A tear slid down my face, I looked up to see Harrys reaction. He looked a bit shocked. "What does that mean?" he questioned. " I dont think we will be able to see each other again..." Another tear slid down my face.

Harry wiped the tear from my cheek. He looked as if I ripped his heart out. We had just met, yet we both had fallen hard and fast for each other. Harry came close to me, our forheads connecting. " Kallie, I was and still am falling hard for you." he spoke in a low whisper.

Then unexpectantly, Harry closed the space between us kissing me with such a passion I've never felt fromm anyone. I desperately kissed him back not wanting to let him go. He pulled back from the kiss, stood and walked to my door, down my stairs, and out the door to his car.

Harry left. He didnt even look back. Not once.



Sorry I havent posted in awhile. Ive been Busy with dance and ive been sick. should be posting more often soo dont give up on me! Well hope you enjoyed this chapter. well I wouldnt know cause you people never comment! do me a huge favor and share this! well anyways thanks guys! ohh and thanks for 100 read plus a few!




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