Chapter 31 (Harry Styles Fanfiction)

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Chapter 31

****Kallie's POV**

Louis had decided to go stay the night with Eleanor after since we stayed up so late watching movies. I mean we did stay up pretty late, it was about 3am so everyone was pretty tired. I figured it was probably time I go to sleep cause Harry and Lou suggested El take me shopping today, since there was no way I was going to Jake's to get my stuff.

" I'll be right next door in Louis room if you need me." Harry said as he motioned to the door next to his. I nodded an turned to enter Harry's room but was stopped. " Goodnight Beautiful " he grinned then lightly pecked me on the lips. " Goodnight" I smiled, then slowly walked to Harry's room to fall fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillows.

As I was sleeping, I was awoken to Harry bursting into the room. "Harry?" I questioned in a half-akwake voice. Why would Harry suddenly be coming in here at this time in the morning? "Get up!" Harry told me in a rather harsh tone. "Why? What's going on?" I asked. I became more and more worried and terrified with each step he towards me.

Next thing I knew, Harry has a brutally tight grip on my arm and was dragging me to his car. "Harry! Let Me Go!" I screamed at him while trying to detach my arm from his grasp. "Damn it" he cursed as I managed to free myself from him, and took off down the sidewalk. What the hell is wrong with him? Why is he acting like this?

I began to hear heavy footsteps coming from behind me. Shit he is right behind me. I pushed myself even harder trying to get away but there was no use. Harry hooked his long arms around me pulling me up and over his shoulder. I began kicking and punching him, but it seemed to have very little effect. "Geeze Jake was right, you are feisty." I could feel the smirk growing on his face. I instanly froze hearing Jakes name. No...He wasn't. Harry told me he loved me.

When we reached his car Harry tied me up and threw me into the backseat. Making sure to put the child lock on so I couldn't get out.

As we pulled up to the hell house, I saw Jake approach the backseat to get me. When he opened the door I slid to the other side where he couldnt reach me. That plan Failed to the fact Harry opened the other door pulling me out. Jake came around to the other side of the car looked at me and smirked. "Miss me?" Harry and Jake then shared a light chuckle as I simpily rolled me eyes.

They carried me inside and took me straight to the basement... When we reached the bottom of the stairs they tied me to the bed where I had last seen my mom. Mom! "Where is she you little bastered?!" I screamed as I frantically searched the room for my mom. Suddenly I heard footsteps. Seconds later James apeared carrying my mother in his arms. She looked so weak. Blood stained her cloths, Brusies and a varius amounts of cuts covered her body. "Mom.." I spoke barley audible, a single tear fell from her eye. She mouthed 'I love you' before James sat her against a wall right in front of me.

There were waterfalls flowing from my eyes. Why did it have to be us? What made them choose me and my mom?

"Kallie, do you remeber what I said would happen if you ever decide to runaway and tell?" James spoke slowly, I could feel the ice cold chill coming from his heart where I sat.. James pulled a gun from his side. "No.No. Please don't". I begged for him not to do what we all knew was about to happen, and all I could do is sit there hoplessly not able to help her.

* Bang *

The shot rang through my ears. I watched as my mom's body slowly went limp. I felt the need to do something but I didn't know what. So I just began to thrashing around, screening my lungs out. I knew I needed to get out cause if I didn't I was next.

"Kallie Stop! Please! " Harry was trying to stop me and get me to calm down. He bent down and began kissing my face. I began to calm when Harry started to hum. I was slowly giving in knowing there was nothing left I could do. "Kallie I need you to wake up for me, Kallie please wake up."

Suddenly I jolted up to be in Harry's room. Only this time I was actually awake. Harry sat on the edge of the bed trying to soothe me. I began crying as I hugged Harry tightly, "Shhhh. It's ok, I'm here." "Harry its was horrible, they killed my mom and...and...." I could hardly speak.

"Harry?" I called "Hmm? " " Will you stay in here with me? I really need you." which was true. I did. Harry was my everything. He kept me calm and stable. Harry is my rock. "Yes love, anything for you." He replied with with a smile. I moved over making room for Harry to slide in beside me. I layed comfortablely on his chest. He quietly stroked my hair and hummed. "Harry?" I called again. "Hmm?" "Can I tell you about my dream?" see here is the thing about me, Im a venter and like to talk to people about things. I dont think its healthy to keep things in. Well I'll make exceptions for somethings but when I can tell, I do. "Sure babe, I'm always here if you need me." He responded as he kissed my forehead.

After I confessed my dream, Harry gave me a stare of bewilderment. He leaned up and wiped the stray tears that fell from my eyes, "Kallie.. I would never help those scumbags that call theirselves human." I belived him. Harry has been there for me day in and day out. " I know, I belive you. Im just scared Harry, what if they find me? What about my mom?"

Harry hugged me tighter as we layed in his bed, " Im sure your mother is fine. She is an extreamly strong women, I think you Two are the exact same. You both lasted for so long in that house, you both are amazing people and so much more. I'll protect you no matter what. I love you Kallie. " "I love you too Harry." I smiled up to the amazing Guy that just happened to stumble into my life. "Now get some sleep. El will be here in a few hours. " I nodded and rested my head back on Harry's chest. He began to hum, causing me to slowly drift off. Gosh I really do love Harry.



Yayy I updated earlier then normal!! what do you think of this chapter?! I pulled out that inception stuff! hahaha! whaaa bam! so I've got some great ideas for upcoming chapters! they going to be good! hahaha! well I don't have much else to say so.... BYYEEEE!!


Xx-Kendra C:

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