Chapter14 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 14

****Harry's POV****

What was I doing? I shouldn't have left her like that. She was crying and I just left not looking back. Why did I care so much she was leaving? Why do I feel like I want her to be mine. All these questions clouded my thoughts as I drove back to the hotel.

When I finally reached the hotel, I went straight to the room. "Harry!" all the lads greeted me as I walked into the room. I just ignored them and went straight to my room.

****Niall's POV****

"Well that was strange." I stated aloud not to anyone inparticular. Everyone nodded in agreement. " I'm going to go check on him." I stated. I rose from my spot on the couch in between Liam and Zayn. I walked to Harry's room ,that was right next to mine, and knocked.

No answer. So I knocked a little louder. "What." I finally got an answer from Harry. Bitter but it was an answer. "Can I come in?" I questioned. I heard him sigh, then I heard the sounds of footsteps and the sound of a door unlocking. I turned the door knob and pushed open the door only to shut it behind me.

I saw Harry sitting on the bed his face in his hands. "Harry mate, whats up?" I was really worried him, it was rare me or the others saw him like this. "This girl I met is leaving for London in two days. I will probably never get to see her again. " Harry said, his voice cracking on the last few words.

"Wait. Hold on. Did you say London?" I aksed shocked. He nodded. "Harry not trying to be that guy....but she said she is going to London. If you didn't realize you live in London, you ding bat." Harry's head snapped up at my statement. His face light up immediately.

"I'll be right back!." he said quickly. And with that Harry was up and out the hotel room with in a matter of seconds. I strutted out of Harry's room back to my spot on the couch. " What was that all about?" Louis asked. "A girl. I fixed it though."

I smiled knowing that I solved a problem. "Kallie." Louis sated simply. "Who?" everyone said in uinson. "Some girl harry has been talking to." Louis answered.

****Harry's POV****

I dashed out of the hotel to my car driving so I could get to Kallie's. When I finally reached Kallie's I jumped from my car and ran to her door. I knocked on her door nonstop until it opened. Hoping Kallie was behind the door but no, it was that Jake guy. Great.

"Great your back. What do you want now?" he hissed. " Kallie, I need to talk to her it's urgent." I told him. " she doesn't wanna see you. Just get lost." He told me trying to get me to leave. " No I need to talk to her, it will just take a second." I tried to push past him only to get shoved back. "Didn't you hear me the first time? She doesn't wanna see you!" Jake yelled, then slamed the door in my face.

Great! Now I'll never see her again.



Nooooo! Hahaha what do you think about this chapter? little sad huh? so the cover like it? I think it gives it a little mysteryness to it? so tell me what you think! I prefer not to talk to myself! well that's about it!



Xx-Kendra C:

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