Chapter 3 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 3

Kallie's POV

When me and Kara-Beth pulled up into the Red Lobster parking lot, I noticed the time. 7:57pm. I looked over to Kara, "We better get inside and find my Mom and James". Kara nodded, and we both rushed out of the car and headed towards the entrance of the restaurant. "How many?" I looked up and saw a man taller than me, maybe six feet? But I'm only about five four, so almost everyone I know is taller than me. The man had dark black hair, and blue eyes. He looked only about 19 or so, around my age. I stopped studying the rather attractive boy in front of me, when I heard Kara-Beth's voice. " Actually, her mom is already here,". "Name?" he asked. I looked at Kara and asked who's name it would be under. My mom, Crawford, or James, Dowell. We tried my mom's first. When that didn't work we tried James' and it just happened to pop up. "Follow me" the boy stated and then walked us to the back of the restaurant. When we finally reached our table, I saw my mom and James looking over a menu. My mom looked up," Good you guys are here! " Me and Kara sat down. I looked over to Kara with nervous written all over my face. I was actually kind of scared of what they were going to tell me. I was just praying to God it wasn't anything bad. "So you remember when we said we had important news?" I nodded remembering the conversation from earlier, when I heard what sounded to be aggression in James' voice. "Well James tell them the news". We all looked to James. He sighed, before plastering a fake smile on his face. "Kallie, me and your mother are getting married." I looked over to my mom with a look of disbelief on my face. She nodded. "And" James added, "because of my job, we are moving to London in about 2 weeks so you will need to start packing." Suddenly just being bombarded with all of this information, I didn't know how to handle it. The thought of me being all the way on the other side of the world from Kara, killed me on the inside, and they're getting married. Kara-Beth looked in my direction to speak, only to see me grab my belongings, and run out of the restaurant in tears.



I know this one was short got caught up in something. well I hope you guys liked it! hopefully chapter 4 will be up extremely soon!


Xx-Kendra! C:

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