Chapter 8 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 8

****Harry POV****

I walked into the Café to see Kallie jolt up, in a panic almost. She then turned her head to my direction and she smiled a pefect smile. Then I noticed a person beside her. A boy. 'Well who is that?' I pondered. I walked to where Kallie stood. She hugged me. "Ehhem". The other Guy cleared his throut "I'm Blake." "Harry" I responded dryly, giving a small head nod instead of shaking Blake's outreached hand. He gave a small head nod back. There was a brief ackward silence until I broke it. "Umm have you already order Kallie?" I questioned her, not really caring if Blake did or didn't. "Umm no actually. I was waiting for you." I found it sweet she waited for me."Well thanks love, how about we go order?" She nodded in agreement and we walked to the counter, her in front. I noticed this Blake Guy decided to tag along. Sure hope he dosent think i'm paying for his drink. "Hi welcome to the Corner Café, my names April what can I get for you today?" " I'll just have a mocha latte, with whipped creame please" Kallie stated simply. "Umm I'll have a cup of tea." I wasn't up for any caffeine just something simple. "Iced?" April questioned "No thank you." "And for you sir?" April turned her attention to Blake. "Ill have a Carmel latte. " April then turned her attention back to me. " Is this all together?" "Yes!" Blake answered rather quickly. "Thanks man. " he smirked and patted my back. I rolled my eyes and turned back to April. "How much?" I asked "$8.79" April looked at me like she knew the feeling of moochers. I handed over the money. "Name?" "Harry" I smiled. "Ok great! I'll call you over when it's ready!" April smiled, turned and started making the drinks. We all turned and made our way back to the couch. Kallie sat in the corner of the sectional, I sat next to her so that moocher couldn't. "Umm I'm going to run to the bathroom I'll be right back." then Blake hurried off." I am so sorry!" Kallie suddenly burst into apologies. "I had no clue he was coming here! I've only met him once and.." she was cut off "Harry" April called out my name, signaling our coffee was finished. "It's okay Kallie, here come with me I got an idea! " I smirked, we stood and I grabbed her hand and basically dragged her to the counter. "Here you go!" "Thanks! Hey April, do you by chance have a pen and a napkin?" she nodded and handed me the utensils. I quickly wrote: 'Dear moocher, I certainly did not enjoy your company! Pay for your own stuff. Sincerely I hope you step in a Lego(:'

"April, when that guy we were "with" comes out can you give him this?" she nodded again. "Thanks!" Me and Kaliie grabbed our coffee and tea, and I yet again took Kallie's hand and walked quickly to the door. I noticed everytime I held Kallie's hand, I got this feeling. It felt as if Sparks were running up my arm. I turned to see Kallie with a confused look on her face. "I'll explain In a sec, but for right now lets get out of here!" I saw a huge smile spread across her face. Right before we left though I heard giggling. I looked back once more to see April reading the note. She gave me a thumbs up, and smiled. I turned back and continued my way out with Kallie.



I updated! yayyy! I would have done it yesterday but I had to go to a track meet! 7-8 like really?! Hahaha! so tell me what yah think! and thanks to my friend Kaley, she is where I got the go step on a Lego! hehe go read her story too! "Nobody's perfect and that's okay!" ohh and I know my story was short! I just really wanted to update!



Xx-Kendra C:

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