Chapter 9 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 9

****Kallie's POV****

I was currently being dragged out of a Café by Harry, having no clue what was going on. Harry had left a note for Blake. Whatever was on that paper though must have been great because the cashier April was cracking up. A sudden change in direction snapped me out of my though. Harry had brought me to a car, unlocked it , and ushered me in. We sat side by side, I could smell the Cologne lingering from him, it smelt amazing. "So do you wanna tell me what's going on?" I giggled and took a sip of my latte. Harry turned to me, showing his pearly white teeth and dazzling green eyes. "Well to be honest, I don't like that Blake Guy. So I left him a note. Not trying to sound bad or anything but In the note, I told him to step on a Lego." Harry said this so proud and brave like I couldn't contain my laughter. "Well Mr. Styles, since we've ditched Blake where do you wanna go?" I pondered. But even before Harry could answer we heard someone cussing up a storm. "Oh I'm going to get that little Skank! What does she see in that curly headed Guy anyways." Blake Must have found the note, and got mad. But what stood out to me most was 'skank'. I'm not a Skank! He dosent even know me, but as if Harry was reading my mind he turned and hugged me. I felt the tears coming. "Listen to me Kallie,"Harry said in a hushed tone, "your not any of that okay? You're beautiful." Harry said to me, I blinked the tears away not wanting to cry. "You really think so?" I asked Harry "I know so" he smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled, I felt safe with Harry, and on top of that he gave me a feeling I've never really had with a boy, everytime we touched I felt the sparks everyone talked about. Only the first time I've really hung around Harry and I think I'm falling for him. "He said he was going to get me though." I said concern all in my voice."No he won't, I'll protect you." Harry said firm. I smiled up to him. "How about a walk in the park?" Harry suggested. "Sure! Sounds great" Me and Harry climbed to the front seats of his car and drove a walking distance to the nearest park. Right before we got out of the car I got a text.

Mom: I'm staying the night at James tonight. I'll be back tommorrow around 5PM.

Kallie: Okay.

"Everything okay? " Harry questioned. "Yeah sorry, I got a text from my mom. Lets go!" Harry grabbed my hand and led me into the park, without letting go.

****Blake's POV****

I had went to the restroom of the Café, only to return to the couch to notice Kallie and that Harry Guy was gone. "Blake?" I turned to see who had called my name. April. I approached the counter. "Here is you latte, and I was told to give you this." April handed me my coffee and a.. napkin? I read the napkin 2 times. They left. I was now ferious. I stormed out of the Café, saying some not to nice words."I'm going to get that skank!" I walked a block or so until I found a bar. Wow these people are smart. Get drunk, then go a block to sober up. I walked in and sat at the counter. "What can I get you?" the bar tender asked. "Something strong, and keep them coming." I had a feeling I was going to be here for a while.

****Kallie's POV****

"Maybe we should head out" I suggested to Harry. Considering we had been at the park for hours, and I was getting tired. "Yeah I think that's a good Idea" he agreed. We walked out of the park and up to his car. "I had fun" I smiled. "Me too!" he smiled back. "Where do I need to drop you off at?" he asked. I shook my head in disagreement. He already did enough and I could walk back to my car. " I'm in walking distance of my car. I'll be fine. " I reassured him. "No I'll drop you off Kallie" he tried to Change my mind. "Nope I'm walking!" I hugged him, turned and started walking back to my car. I heard him sigh and get into his car. He pulled next to me, "I'll let you walk but I'm going to be lurking to make sure you get there safe!" he smiled and stated following me to my car. He ended up getting stuck at a red light so I just kept walking. Not really worried, he would catch up in a bit.

As I was walking back to my car only about a block away, I passed a bar. With just my luck, out comes Blake. He is stumbling everywhere, great he is drunk too. "Heyyyyy you!" I heard him slurr. "Kallie or should I call you s-s-kank?" I stopped and turned to see him grinning. "I am not a skank!" I stated infuriated. Blake walked straight up to me and shoved me against a wall. "Yeah yyyou are. I bet you've slept with eeeevery Guy in town." I could smell the alcohol coming off his breath. "W-what are you doing?" I felt Blake's hand running up my leg, and he started kissing all over my neck. "Shut up Skank!" I tried to free myself of his grip but I couldn't move. To think this Guy was at first sweet and harmless. Blake started to play with the hem of my shirt."Howww about we just take thisss off?" He started to pull on my shirt again. "Hey! Get off her!" I heard a deep British voice. Harry. Blake's head turned trying to figure out who said it, so I took the chance and kneed him right in his ManHood. He grunted and bent over in pain. Harry then came over to me. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Harry asked in a panic. "No. let's jut get out of here." Harry then unexpectedly carried me back to his car and put me in. He ran to the drivers door got in and we headed to my car. We rode in silence until we got to my car. Right before I got out I turned to Harry. "Harry?" "Yes?" he replied "W...will you stay the night at my house. I really don't wanna stay alone tonight. " I asked desperation in my voice. "Yes, of course. I'll follow you there." I nodded got out of my car and drove home.

When we reached my house I got out and Harry followed me in. "Do you want anything?" I questioned him. "No thanks" he said, then followed me up to my room. "I'm going to shower I'll be right back. " he nodded and I then disappeared into the bathroom. After my shower I had pulled my hair into a messy bun, threw on a pair of pajama and went into my room. I laid in my bed and looked to Harry who was sitting on my love seat (that's a kind over sofa). "Harry, will you sleep in here with me?" I needed someone. And Harry just happened to be that someone. "Are you sure?" he asked rather shocked. "Please. I want you too." I begged. He nodded. He stood and removed his white T-shirt, and shoes. Harry was a very fit. Harry then climbed in next to me. I cut off the lamp next to me, turned and cuddled with Harry. At first he didn't know how to respond, then he wrapped his arms around me and comforted me. I then heard small humming. It was coming from him. The next thing I knew I was falling into yet another deep sleep, but this time I was wrapped around the boy I was thinking about. The boy that I felt safe with.



So guys this one was all romantic like! but Blake! Omg! I made it long to make up go the short one! well, what are you guys thinking about it so far? like? tell me what you think! I want to know! update 2 times! short a/n though! bye and thanks for reading!!



Xx-Kendra C:

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