Chapter 26 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 26

****Harry's POV****

I had just gotten back to mine and Louis' flat from dropping off Kallie. I had finally decided that I wanted to make our relationship Offical. I was finally going to ask Kallie to be mine. I like that, Kallie. Mine. It just has a good ring to it.

I had already asked her out on a date, Well I told her I wanted to take her out for dinner tomorrow, but she said she would love it anyways so everything worked out. From dinner, we would go on a walk through the park to a nearby lake. I learned that together me and her love parks, we always managed to end up there since I've met her. Next, while we are out by the lake, I'll have already have had a few blankets layed out for the two of us to lay down and star gaze. Then while we are watching stars, My plan is ask her to be my Girlfriend. I want this moment to be Perfect.

As I was carefully planning Kallie and I's date, my phone began to ring. I walked into the kitchen where I had sat my phone when I came into the flat. When I picked up my phone I read the caller I.D. and saw that Kallie was calling me. I willingly picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Harry... I need you to come and get me." Kallie sounded as if she was crying, extreamly hard. Why would she be crying though? I litteraly saw her about 15, 20 minutes ago.

"Kallie are you ok? Where are you? Are you Hurt?" I spoke rapidly into my phone trying to figure what was going on.

" Im at that cafe I took you too last week. I..I need you to come and get me.. Please." Her voice cracked at the last word. Now I was worried, what happend within those few minutes I dropped her off and made it home? I bet it was those douche bags she lived with.

"Okay. Im on my way, I'll be there in 5." With that said, I hung up not even hearing her say goodbye. She needed me and I planned on getting to her. Fast.

I went back into the living room where Lou and I had been sitting. I picked up my keys and headed towards the door only to be stopped by Lou grabbing my arm. "Woah there partner. where are you going in such a rush?" Why now Lou? I asked myself.

"Listen, I don't have time to explain. Come on with me and I'll explain on the way there." I tugged my arm free from Louis grip and started to my car, Lou trailing closly behind.

When I finally reached the cafe, me and Lou rushed inside looking for Kallie. When we got inside, we spotted Kallie sitting on a little couch by a fire place. She was curled up in the corner of the couch, sipping on coffee. Me and Louis walked to her and sat down beside her.

"Kallie, are you okay?" I spoke softly to her. She turned her head to look at me. She had been crying, her eyes where red and puffy, cheeks stained from her tears. She buried her head into my shoulder and began to cry.

"Come on. Lets go." I then picked up Kallie and head to the car. "Lou. Get her stuff and pay the lady." Louis nodded and walked up to the cashier.

****Louis POV****

As Harry took Kallie to the car, I went to collect her things and pay for her coffee. When I got to the counter, an elderly woman and man approach me handing me a small carry on. I assumed it to be Kallie's, I took the carry on and went to pay the couple but they refused the money.

"Go, take care of her. She has been nothing but good to us. She has been through way to much." The couple smiled a sweet yet concerning smile. "Thank you. I will make sure she is well taken care of." I thanked them and headed towards Harry's car.

From this point on, I vow to protect and watch over Kallie. I don't know why, but it felt as if I needed to do this. For her sake.



Heyy guys! I know its kinda shorts but I wanted to update. So tell me what you guys think! do you like it? I have really likes these last two chapters! well I really don't have anything else to say..... soon BYYEEE!


xX-Kendra C:

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