Chapter 15 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 15

****Kallie's POV****

I had just gotten of the phone with Kara-Beth, she said she was going to be over soon to help me finish packing. I decided I would go ahead and start.

Suddenly, I heard a car door, then the door bell. I didnt feel like getting up because of the previous events so I figured I would let Jake get it. Yes Jake is at my house, James is making him help pack up our house. Yet, this is the first time we have been here alone...

Well after a min or so I heard the front door open, then some whispers. Next I heard the sound of Jake yelling at someone to leave because I didn't wanna see them.

I stood from my bed and set the box I was packing on the floor, then started to walk down stairs. I was trying to see what was going on. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw jake slaming the door in someones face.

He then turned and saw me. Jake smirked and strutted his way towards me.

****Kara-Beth's POV****

I had just pulled up to Kallie's house. Harry was walking from her porch looking rather upset. Like the I'm mad and sad upset. I parked my car and walked to Harry.

"Hey Harry! How's it hanging? " "Not to good actually.. that Jake Guy wo'nt let me talk to Kallie. " he responded. "EWW! Jake. I apologize for him he is mean, and creepy. What ever you wanna call him! C'mon Ill get you in." I motioned for Harry to follow me.

"Thanks Kara!" he said sounding happy. When we reached the door I dug into my purse to find their house key they had made for me! Bestfriend probs! When I finally found the key, I stuck it into the lock and twisted until I heard it click.

I swung open the door only to see a sight I never could have imagined.

****Jake's POV****

I had Kallie pinned against the closest wall. She was very tempting. She was so innocent and that drove me insane. There was so many things I wanted to do with her, but there was never a chance....

I had started to kiss up and down her neck. I heard small whimpering coming from her. She was petrified by me and I loved it. "Oh my goshh." "Get off her you creep!" I snapped my head around only to see Harry and Kara-Beth in the doorway.

I instantly released my grip from Kallie, then suddenly I was on the floor. I felt strong stinging sensation coming from my lower cheek. I touched my lip only to feel pain and a liquid. I looked at my hand to see what was. Blood.

I quickly stood, gathering my things and taking off from there. I really didn't wanna get into a fight with that Guy. I just hope they don't tell my dad or anyone. My dad would kill me. And when I say he would kill me....I ment it..



Duh.Duh.Duhhhhh...... Well what do you think? cliff hanger sorta kinda? I had been asked to bring Jake back and I did! that is not the end of him though! oh what do you think about the London issue!? If you are confused about anything let me know! talk to me! don't be that socially ackward person! I will make you people talk sooner or later! hehehe!



Xx-Kendra C:

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