Chapter 30 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 30

****Harry's POV****

I had awoken to the sound of something tapping on the window. I got up to see what the noise was, only to be greeted by a branch. It was storming outside causing it to tap on the window. 'Mental note: trim limb outside front window'.

I sighed, turning to go the kitchen to get some tea. I was parched. Have you ever woken up with a really dry throut? Well that's me right about now.

As I headed towards the kitchen I started to wonder where Louis was. Last time I had seen him, he was sitting in the hall at my door trying to get Kallie to let him in. I walked into the hall only to see that Lou wasn't there. Maybe he was in his room? I started to walk towards his room at the very end of the hallway, right past my bedroom.

Right as I was passing my room, I heard Kallie's voice. You could tell she was on the verge of tears or was crying by the shaking in her voice. I peaked into Louis room thinking Kallie could be talking herself or on the phone, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I walked back to my room listening in to what Kallie was saying. As soon as I approached the door, she spoke my name. "Harry. I would have figured it would have been him comforting me, Whispering sweet things into my ear. Yet does the exact opposite." She was right, I should have done that considering the state she was in. Gosh Harry, you're such a dick. I continued to listen though. "He dosent know what would happen in that house after all those times I left from seeing him. I wanted to tell him so many different times. Yet I knew what danger It could put my mother and me. She always told me that she did it for my sake. He has no clue how hard it was to have to walk away from my mom like that! Not knowing if she will live or not, and coming from that house I have nothing to do but assume the worst. I have nothing more to remember her by other then this necklace. "

My gosh. I should have just listened to her. I mean usaully im a very understanding guy, considerate of others and very caring. I started to wonder if she would even want to ever see me again after what I did. I mean I wouldn't, but Kallie is different. She IS sweet, kind, caring and she is my everything. I've fallen head over heels for her. Suddenly she began to speak again.

Kallie chocked on her words to start with. "Lou. My mom told me to find Harry. What am I supposed to do?" Wait! Huh? Mrs. Crawford wanted Kallie to find me. She trusted me enough with her daughters life. Kallie continued, "Because if all he I going to is yell and scream at me I might as well pack up and leave." No she can't leave. I won't let her. I slowly opened the door and crept in. Kallie then finished "Hell, he probably dosent even want me to stay."

"Yes I do." I finally spoke up, earning a confused look from Louis and a Shocked look from Kallie.

****Kallie's POV****

"Harry?" I finally spoke. "Ughh... I think I'm gonna go.." Louis said making his way to the door, giving Harry a slightly shoulder squeeze before shutting the door behind him. Harry made his way to the bed and sat down beside me. I turned away from him not really in the mood to talk to him. "Please Kallie, Just hear me out." He grabbed my hand, but I only took my hand from his. He sighed.

"Listen, Im extremely sorry for flipping out in there earlier. I should have thought about your feelings and what you have been through. I can't even image what it was like. I'm such a mamma's boy I couldn't stand the thought of losing her, but the fact your mom told you to come and find me shows she trust me with your life. Kallie you are my everything thing! I can't and won't let you leave. At least not like this. I never realized how much of a dick I was being until now. I'm so sorry Kallie. I..I.. Kallie. I Love you.

" I Turned and face Harry when he breathed out those last few words. "Harry...." I chocked out. I couldn't believe he said it. Harry honestly loves me. He looked at me with pleading eyes, waiting for a response. " I love you too." I finally choked out.

Harry embraced me into a tight hug. I hugged him back with all I had in me. "You were being a dick too." I smirked at my comment and earned a deep chuckle from Harry. Sending small vibrations throughout his chest. "Yes a huge dick." I laughed.

"Kallie?" Harry called. "Hmm?" I answered. "I was.. um wondering? If you would .. Umm.." He was stumbling a bit over his words. "JUST ASK HER ALREADY!" Louis shouted from the other side of the door. I giggled at his urge to hear the question. Harry laughed, "Kallie will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" I bit my lip, then nodded my head. "Yesh I will" I finally spoke. Harry grinned dimple to dimple and kissed me with a ton of passion.

Suddenly *BAM*!

The bedroom door swung open and in came Louis. He was 'crying' at the current scene. "Oh my baby's! I just knew it would all work out! What about a nice movie night eh?! It's stormy! I could call Eleanor over and get her to pick up some pizza too!" Louis suggested. I looked to Harry for his opinion. "Lets do it!" He grinned. Well movie night here I come.!



Yayyy for another update! So how are you guys liking it? it was kinda a filler chapter but hey its a chapter! So I would like to apologize for not updating sooner! I've been hooked on some Teen wolf Fan Fictions! hehehe! Oh and go check out my friends Fanfic! its called! 'Be my Princess' Its really good! And if any of you want me to check out your story let me know! Kik me @: KendraNycole

and I will gladly check it out! well thanks everyone! if you have any ideas for the story let me know! well cya loves!


Xx-Kendra C:

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