Part 2 / Chapter 39 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 39

"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." ― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember

"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." ― Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever


Kallie pov

"Dad.." there is no possible way my dad is standing infront of me right there? "Hey baby girl." I ran over to him wrapping my arms around him. I actually felt him wrap his arms around. I could even smell him. He still smelt of coffee and vanilla. Dad slowly pulled away from me looking me in the eye. "Come with me." he stated while leading me to a creame colored couch. Well where did this come from?

"Listen Kallie, I don't have much time to talk with you. So I'm really gonna need you to listen to me." I nodded understandingly even though my head was buzzing with questions. "Kallie, I have been watching over you and your mother ever since the accident. Know you nor your mother were to blame. Unexpected things happen in life and it just so happened to be my time to go. I also want you to know that I couldn't be any prouder of how you handled Jake and James. You stayed strong and trusted your mother. Last but not least.. I wanna talk about this Harry boy." as dad said that I immediately blushed hiding behind my still blonde hair.

Dad lifted my head up by my chin," SweetHeart. There is absolutely no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed by him. He is great. I've kept my eye on him for awhile now and I was over joyed when he finally found you. He keeps you safe and most of all he treats you like the princess you deserve to be treated like." As soon as dad finishes his sentence I wrapped him into another tight hug.

Knowing I had very little time I began talking, "Daddy I will never leave Harry. Knowing you approve of him makes him 10 times more attractive. I love him with all my heart and soul and I'm beyond glad to know that you are proud of me. I love you dad." I was crying into his shoulder not wanting to leave his side. As I reluctantly began pulling away from the hug, I could hear a faint beeping noise. It casually began to become louder. "Well it looks like it's time for me to get going, and you to get back where you should be." He stood while helping me up. "Will I ever see you again?" I asked sadness clear in my voice. Dad nodded "When time comes we will all be reunited. I love you sweetie, know I'm always with and I'll see you later " Dad kissed my cheek. As his lips came into contact with my skin everything faded black.

The beeping sound was much louder and I felt someone rubbing circles into the back of my hand. My eyelids felt like 10 pound weights getting lighter by the second. When what felt like forever was over, I opened my eyes slowly letting them adjust to the sunlight coming into the hospital room.

I looked over to see everyone from the other day in the room. Well except for Niall and Kara-Beth. My gaze fell back to Harry though. He sat next to the bed rubbing circles onto the back of my hand. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and he looked as if he hadn't slept for days. "Harry." I finally choked out causing everyone to snap their heads in my direction.

Harrys pov

After I told everyone about what had happened from the kidnapping to my hand, we decided to call police. They said that she had to be missing for a full 24 hours before they put out a search crew and all that junk. We on the other hand decided to go asking around tomorrow to see if anyone had seen her or Kallie's mum around.

Yeah they took Kameron too. I had Paul swing by her house to check on her but she wasn't their either.

Everyone said they would be back tomorrow morning sometime so we could start our own search. Louis and El suggested on staying the night even though I told them it wasn't necessary.

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