Chapter 20 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 20

****Liam's POV****

I had just gotten a text from Harry, he said he was going to bring us some food from taco bell. Harry also said he had some people for us to meet.

I walked into the living room spotting the boys on the couch, well all except Louis. "Where's Louis? " I questioned everyone. "He went to the bathroom." Zayn stated, his focus not leaving his phone.

"Ok. Well Harry texted me and said he is bringing home tacos." I said looking towards Niall awaiting his response. "Yess." Niall said dragging the 's' at the end. "Oh! he also said he had some people for us to meet. " I stated the thought almost slipping my mind.

That's when everyone's head shot up and turned to look at me. "Who's meeting who?" Louis chirped walking into the room. "Harry is bringing home tacos and someone to meet us." I repeated. "Ohhh, I bet you it's that Kallie girl! I've been dieing to meet her!" Louis screamed.

Everyone gave that 'yeah your probably right' head nod and went back to watching tv or on their phone.

****Kallie's POV****

Oh gosh no. Harry is taking us to meet his friends. What if they didn't like me, so they didn't want Harry hanging out with me. Wait me? I just better pray that Kara-Beth doesn't screw this up. If any of these Guy are attractive and have accents.. Kara-Beth will probably go wild. Kara was never good at containing herself around guys.

Probably after about a 10-15 minute ride we pulled up to this really big hotel. Harry drove around back and we went in from their. Why though? If you haven't noticed I still haven't figured out why Harry's name is so familiar. Little did I know, I was going to find out sooner or later.

When we entered the hotel, we took a short elevater ride, and soon enough ended up at his hotel room. When we entered the room, We where greeted by a blonde boy running up and taking the food.

"Food!" yelled the blonde. He had an Irish accent, a thick one. "Sorry about that," Harry apologized, "he is always eating." I giggled and nodded letting him know it wasn't a big deal.

"Hi! I'm Liam." a tall one introduced himself. "That's zayn," the Liam Guy pointed to a dark haired boy on the couch, he sent a smile me and Kara-Beth's direction. "That's Niall, " he pointed to the blonde Irish who stole the food, "Finally that's..." Liam was cut off by a brown haired boy running up to us. "IM LOUIS!!!" he shouted rather loudly.

Harry gave him this glare, but me and Kara giggled at him. "I'm Kallie and this I's my best friend Kara-Beth." I stated simply. But everyone's mouth literally dropped open. "Your Kallie?!" they all scream in unison, well expect Niall, his mouth was full of tacos.

My eyes widen at the fact of them knowing who I was. "Do you remember me? " Louis asked me. I shook my head not remembering him. "I was the Guy on the phone!" he said trying to rig my memory. "Ohh that was you? " I asked remembering when he and Harry where wrestling.

Louis nodded vigorously."Dang Harry! " Zayn stated "Shut it!" Harry snapped. "How about we eat?" Harry Suggested. "Yes! please!" Kara-Beth urged.

As we sat down and began to eat, I realized something. I finally realized why Harry's name sound so familiar. I'm eating taco's with ONE DIRECTION!!! I started to cough, choking after realizing this. "You ok? " Harry asked concerned. "Yeah can I use your restroom? " I asked quickly. "Yeah, it's right down the hall, first door on the left." he stated, his face still full of concern.

I nodded, stood and pulled Kara-Beth with me. "My taco's" she complained, causing everyone to laugh. But I wasn't, I was still in shock! and I had to tell Kara.



So likely?! Kallie just found out! Everyone met the boy's! I actually kinda liked this chapter! did you? I put liam in here because if you didnt her rumer has it PAYZER BROKE UP!!!! Noooo not again! dont do it to us! Well tell me what you think! Hmmm.. I guess that's it! Byeeeeee!

ohh everyone should go check out my friend Kaley's book! its called Nobody's perfect and that's okay! or you could look her up by her user name @KaleyFaith!




Xx-Kendra C:

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