Chapter 19 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Authors note in the beginning?! what! its short though! ok. BIG REMINDER! ::: It is still in the flashback! I said it would only last a few chapters but I guess I lied! But it will come to a close soon! That's all!

-Kendra c:


Chapter 19

****Harry's POV****

I was sitting in a booth at Taco Bell with Kallie and Kara-Beth, then the unexpected happened. Blake walked straight in the door. I tensed up, grabbing Kallie tight and pulling her close. She jump slightly to my sudden action. "Harry whats up?" Kallie questioned. When I didn't respond, Kallie followed my gaze to blake. "oh my gosh." Kallie said in almost a whisper.

"What are you two looking at!?" Kara-Beth spoke aloud. Kara then turned and saw Blake. "Ooooo he is a Cutie. " Kara smirked. "Kara. No. He is bad news. Don't even try him." Kallie warned.

"Well im going to go get the food. Y'all can meet me at the car." Kara-Beth stated. "Okay but listen to Kallie don't trust that Guy." I added onto what Kallie had stated. Kara-Beth just rolled her eyes and went to get the order.

I grabbed Kallie's hand and we walked to the car.

****Blake's POV****

I had seen Kallie leave with Harry and her friend come up to the counter. "Hi!" I heard from someone beside me. I turned and smiled a charming smile "Hey". "Come here often? " she winked. "Actually I do." I laughed causing her to giggle. "My names Kara-Beth! " she stated. "Blake. " I grinned.

"Here you go ma'am." the cashier handed Kara-Beth a large amount of food. "Well I gotta get going my friends are waiting on me. but you should call me sometimes. " Kara then took out a pen and wrote her number on the palm of my hand. "See ya around? " she questioned. "Most definitely! " I winked. Kara then strutted out of the fast food restaurant smiling ear to ear.

Kara-Beth is cute and all, but it's not her I wanted, its Kallie.

****Kara-Beth's POV****

Yeah, yeah, I know I didn't listen to Harry and Kallie but I didn't see what was so bad about the Guy. I figured I'd give him a try! Its not like Kallie is going to be around anyways.

"So Guy's, you may have been wondering why I got so much food?," Harry spoke aloud. I was now in the car with Kallie and Harry. "Well I figured I'd take you two to met the lads." Harry chirped.



Okay guys! short I know but I wanted to update! I found out I didn't have to test today but I have to the test of the week so yeah. but what did you think of this chapter? kinda sucks but when Kallie moves it will be getting a whole lot more interesting! oh and if you haven't noticed, when i move to the next day! that is the day she will be moving! aka "tomorrow" . this is like her last day! well that's it byeeeeee!


Xx-Kendra c:

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