Chapter 10 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 10

****Harry's POV****

I lied awake,still in Kallie's bed, with my arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Its probably about 3am, but I didn't care. I was still thinking about the events from not that long ago. Kallie was almost raped right infront of me. I did like Blake from the start, now I'm wishing he would just get hit by a bus. Kallie was so fragile, and perfect, and for someone to lay their hands on her in that way infuriated me. I tensed at just the thought of someone doing that. Suddenly I felt movement, Kallie squeezed my torso and snuggled closer to me. It was as if she was trying to relax me. I swear this girl is pure perfection. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm falling for Kallie. Really fast and really hard.

****Kallie's POV****

I woke up from my deep sleep to the smell of food. I looked to the spot where Harry was supposed to be laying. He wasn't there. I stood from my bed and walked downstairs. I went into the kitchen only to see Harry cooking. Since his back was turned to me I'd figured I would sneak up on him. I creeped up behind him and screamed , "Gooodmorning Harry!" then I immediately wrapped my arms around him for a hug. 'Plop' Harry had jumped, and flung a pancake that is now sticking to the ceiling of my kitchen. "Well good morning to you too!" Harry chuckled. I laughed too,"So you cook huh?" I now had a spatula, and was climbing ontop of my countertop trying to scrape the pancake from the ceiling. "Mhmm! I love to cook!" he smiled. I grinned down to him, and he turned back to cooking. As I was getting the pancake down I decide to have some fun.



Okay guys I know this one extremely short, but I really wanted to update at least a little bit! I've got to work tomorrow too so I don't know if ill get to update. so work with me! Sorry!



Xx-Kendra C:

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