Chapter 33 (Harry Styles Fanfiction)

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Chapter 33

-POVs change a lot.

**** Kallie's POV ****

We just got back from police station. They told me most likely, both Jake and James will be locked in jail. So I was mostly happy. It has been a long day so I decided to get into the shower. If you guys are like me, I do alot my thinking in the shower.

I stripped bare and made my way into the now steamy shower. I stood under the stream of water as if it was rinsing away all my pains and worries. After about 45 minutes of thinking and washing, I came out the shower and dried off. After drying my hair, I pull it up into a messy bun. I then put on underwear and a bra, I failed to bring In a take top and shorts so I went to retrieve them off of Harry's bed.

As I reach for my shorts I felt someone grab a hold of my waist, pulling me towards the them. I jumped at the unexpected contact but calmed when I realized who it was. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." It was Harry. He was only inches from me. The close contact send chills down my back. " How are you feeling?" he whispered, as he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck

"Okay I guess. Just trying to stay strong like I'd know she would want me to." I admitted.

Harry turned me to where I was facing him. "Did you know you're beautiful?" he spoke softly as he cupped my cheek with one of his Hands. I then watched as he scanned my body up and down. I simply shook my head in disagreement, as I slowly and not so noticeably tried covering the scar that was right above my right hip bone.

Harry frowned at my response as he noticed me trying to hide the scar. "What's this?" he asked, moving my hand away from the scar. I watched as Harry ever so gently and carefully grazed his thumb over the scar. "What happened love?" I felt that it was okay to talk to Harry about the past, even though it wasn't aways nice. Harry always found a way to comfort me.

"It happened when I was 14. My dad had just picked me up from volleyball practice, and we where heading to the park to meet my mom for some family time. Me and my dad had a really close relationship, he cherished ever moment he had with me because he was always traveling for work. Anyways, as we were turning into the parking lot, some Guy that had been texting rammed into the back of our car putting us into a tail spin. The car stopped spinning when it slammed into a street pole. The impact from the pole killed my dad. I got the cut from getting pulled out of the car window. " By the time I finished there were stray tears falling from my eyes.

Harry kneeled down and placed several kisses on the scar, then returned to his towering height above me. "Come on, you need sleep. You've had a rough few days." I put on my shorts and tank, then slide into bed next to Harry. "Goodnight beautiful, I love you." Harry leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight Harry, I love you too."

**** Kameron's POV ****

I woke up to the sun beaming in through the hospital bedroom. I was in a little bit of pain, but that was the least of my worries. I need to see my baby girl.

"Goodmorning Mrs.Crawford. How are you feeling?" The doctor had just walked in carrying a clipboard and seemed to be checking my vitals and such. "Better, I'm still having little pains though." I admitted. "Alrighty, your vitals seem fine, and I'll get you some medicine for those pains. At the rate your going you will be out of here in a week. You are one tough cookie." She smiled before leaving the room.

About five minutes later a nurse came into the room. She handed me a cup of water and a couple of pills. I thanked her quietly while taking the meds. "Mrs.Crawford is there anyone you would like me to contact for you?" "Yes! please call my daughter. Ill give you her number." I was beyond ecstatic when this nurse asked me that. "Okay Mrs.Crawford I'll go make that call." and like that the nurse was gone.

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