Part 2 / Chapter 38 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 38

Kallies pov

"Mom..Kara-Beth.." I embraced both into a hug and let my tears fall free. How did they know where mom was? Why was Kara here? What if we never get out of here? So many questions pounded into my head. "Calm down Kallie. We need to discuss a few things." mom pulled away from the nice embrace making us all sit down so we can try to figure things out.

"Okay. First things first. We need to figure out how things are going to work until we can A. Get out of here or B. Get rescued. " mom spoke in a hushed tone not wanting the douche bags hearing us. "Well I say we put on the 'I'm not afraid of you' gig. Not let them have the satisfaction of knowing we hurt or are afraid." I suggested what I had in mind earlier. "That's a great idea!" Kara stated. Mom nodded in agreement "Sounds like a plan. Now I wanna know how everyone got here? Mainly you." she looked towards Kara-Beth.

Kara sighed "Kallie, I should have listened to and Harry. As soon as we got back to LA Blake started distancing himself from me. Then a couple of months later he started hitting me. I didn't know what to do or who to turn to. I tired to runaway from him one night but he caught me and dragged me to the bedroom and h-he raped. Kallie I know I used to brag about not being a virgin but I was lying. I had always been a virgin, but that monster took it in the worst way possible. He told me that if I ever told anyone or tried to leave him again he would kill me. So after that I basically turned into his personal slave. Anything he wanted or desired, whether it was sex or not, I had to get or do. Then last week he told me to grab my shoes and get into the car. He drove to the airport and we ended up here. Kallie please forgive me. I really do regret not taking your advice." Kara was quietly sobbing into my shoulder.

I had a few stray tears running down my face, Kara Dosen't deserve to be here. This was so wrong. Now I'm not the one to be violent but I wanted to see ALL three of those guys to die in the most brutal way possible. If I was able to I would want to be the one doing the killing. I just couldn't stand the fact of what they have put the ones I love most through. Their spirts deserve to rot in the deepest depths of Hell.

"Kallie. *sniff sniff* how did you get here?" mom was crying too but knew we needed to continue getting information. Kara sat up so she could listen to my story. (I'm not gonna tell how she got there cause you all know!) "What was Harry meeting up with Louis for?" mom asked. "I'm not quite sure. He never told me but I figured it was important considering how fast he left." they nodded understandingly.

"Mom.. How did you get here?" I asked wondering how they even knew where she lived. "To be honest I'm not quite sure. I remember going to bed and then there was a cloth placed over my face with someone whispering in my ear telling me everything was Okay and to go back to sleep. I tried see what was going on but what I'm guessing was chloroform, caused me to fall into blackness. I woke up here to find Kara and me locked down here." I nodded seeing how she really didn't have anyway of trying to fight.

As soon as mom finishes talking we heard the basement door open followed by multiple footsteps. "Okay enough of catching up time for you guys to learn the rules." Blake, James, and Jake all stood with their arms crossed over their chests looking down at us. "First things first," James was talking, "Tonight we are gonna have some fun to celebrate the escape and getting the gang together. Tomorrow morning we will be dying your hairs and give you some boy stuff to wear. We will be having to go into public and we don't want anyone noticing you now do we? Then hopefully by the end of the week we will be leaving this damn country going back to the US." Jake and Blake just nodded as James finished talking.

Wait! Did he just say leave for the US. That means we only have 4 days (including today/night) till we leave... That also means we have little time to escape. Well tomorrow we go into public...this is gonna be intresting. I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone pulling me up by my hair. "Man I'm gonna miss this color on you." I felt the hot breath of Jake on the back of my neck again.

"Listen. One at a time we will take you up and celebrate. Then afterwards when we are satisfied, we will feed you. Lets go Kallie. Your first." Jake smirked and pratically dragged my upstairs to some room.

He threw me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. "I missed being in this position." he whispered into my ear. I turned my head not wanting to hear his shit. "You wanna play the hard way? Then we can play." Lets just say I was restrained and couldn't do much but take it. I tried to stay quite but I couldn't help but let a few whimpers escape my mouth. When Jake was happy with what he had done, he ordered me to get dressed and shoved me downstairs.

I crawled on to my bed that now had a thin blanket on top of it. I curled into a tight ball and attempted to fall asleep. It felt as it took hours for my brain to finally give up on thinking giving me the chance to fall into a light sleep.

I awoke to the sound of a sharp voice "wake up you hoes! We got to get your hair done! Then we have to go out!" 'Blake shut the Hell up and go die in a hole'. No I didn't say that out loud even though I want too. I sat up from my mattress to be blinded by some light coming in from a small window in the basement. Why havent I noticed it before? "Lets go!" he shouted.

We all stood being led to different bathrooms, each containing hair dye. Well here we go...

3 hours later me, mom, and Kara sat in the basement looking at each others hair. Mine was now a Platinum blonde, Kara's was a slik black, and moms was a bright red.. Least bit to say no one was happy with results. "Here! Put these on." I looked up to see James handing out sweats and really baggy t-shits. Yes t-shits cause they looked horrid. They had multiple stains, smelled horribly, and was a size XXXXL. He also handed us jackets considering that it was a bit chilly outside.

After we changed I had to admit, you would have a hard time recognizing us. We all marched out to some not suspicious white van parked outside and got in. "Don't do anything you will regret while were out." Jake snapped at us. Little did he know was that I was going to anyway. Anything to have some sort of chance of escaping. After about a 30 minute drive we pulled up to a shopping complex. We go out and we were told to put out heads down.

As we were walking I heard multiple frantic voices. All to familiar voices. I looked up to see all the lads, Paul, the girls and Harry. 'This is it Kallie. Its now or never. Scream your little heart out.' my mind encouraged me, so with that I grabbed moms and Kara's hand and gave it a tight squeezing. They looked up at me with a confused look but I just gave them my mischievous smirk. Then as if time slowed, I stopped mid walk and let out an ear deafening scream. "Harry help me!".

Next thing I knew I felt a sharp pain in my side causing me to fall to the ground. My fall was followed by gun shots and screaming. I heard footsteps and felt someone grab me. I opened my eyes for a split second only to see those beautiful emerald eyes and brown curly hair I fell in love with. "Kallie babe! Keep your eyes open. Let me see those beautiful eyes I love so much." Harry was holding me trying to keep me awake but I was slowly slipping.

A single tear ran down my face and I let out a slight giggle. "I love you Harry, forever and always. Don't forget that." I heard Harry say something I couldn't quite catch. Whiteness began swallowing and invading my eye sight. I looked around but ony saw white.

Then suddenly a figure appeared before. The closer they got the more I could make out who it was. "Dad..."



wahhhh?!??! hehe I'm back!!! yayy! I likes this chapter! mainly the ending though! but I would also like to state I'm ending this story very soon... ): yes please dont cry! I'm gonna be making a new story called 'where did it all go wrong' I'm very excited about it! ill probably get it up sometime soon! well a prologue and juck! hehe!! yayyy! well nighty nights! BYYEEE!!!


Xx-Kendra C:

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