Chapter 16 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 16

****Kallie's POV****

No... not again. I was on the verge of tears. Jake had me pinned up against the wall by my front door. I was praying to God that someone would walk through my door right about now.

Like Kara-Beth! She has a key to my house. Because there was no way my mom would be home anytime soon. "I am in love with those shorts." Jake whispered into my ear.

I was currently in my Volleyball spandex, beacause believe it or not.. I found them rather comfortable. Bad timing to wear them right? You know with Jake here and all..

Wrong.. I had an oversized Polo t-shirt on so you couldn't even see them. Its just the fact Jake likes to touch. He was rubbing all over me and started to pull my shirt up, so from there I guess that's when he saw my spandex.

Suddenly, I flinched at the touch of Jake. "Do I scare you?" he said breathing slightly down my neck. "No." I said firmly, try to escape him grip.. But it only tightened. "I don't believe you." Jake said a little to happy..

Suddenly, Jake took his right hand and reared back as if he was going to stike me. I shut my eyes tightly, expecting a blow to the right side of my cheek. Jake then swung at my face only to stop inches away from my cheek. I opened my eyes realizing he hadn't hit me.

I breathed out a breath I had no clue I had been holding in." See you are scared. But hey, I like that. You're just so innocent." Jake smirked at his Word 'innocent'. That was then I heard a car door shut. Figuring it was whoever Jake had been yelling at to leave, leaving.

Great. My only luck of getting saved is gone. I'm going to be raped by my soon to be "brother". What a great day I'm just seeming to have. Jake then continued to frisk me by running his hands along my body and kissing along my neck.

"Oh my gosh." My head snapped up in delight to an open door. I saw a shocked yet scared Kara, and a furious Harry. I was so happy to see them, I started to cry. Not the ugly snot filled cry, but the cry where hot tears fall all slow and dramaticlly.

"Get off her!" Harry yelled, then he punch Jake square in his face. Harry busted Jake's lip, causing Jake to quickly collect his keys from the counter and dash out of my house. I swear I've never seen someone run so fast.

Kara-Beth then immediately ran over to me and hugged me softly, asking if I was alright. I cried into my best friends shoulder not wanting to let her go. She walked me into the leaving room and sat me down. "I'm going to go get you a glass of water. I'll be right back." With that Kara-Beth hurried off into the direction of my kitchen.

As I was sitting on the couch waiting on Kara to return, I had put my face into my hands as the tears continued to flow. Suddenly I felt the couch sink in next to me, 'that was fast!' I thought. Thinking it was Kara-Beth I turned and embraced "her" into a tight hug. Hot tears continuing to flow. Then who I thought be Kara-Beth started to whisper sweet nothings into my ear, telling me I'm beautiful and I didn't deserve that. Well Thats when I realized "Kara-Beth" had developed a very low voice, British too. Also she became rather masculine and smelt boyish.

Wait. I'm not hugging Kara-Beth. That's when it finally clicked. Harry was in my house too. I was hugging Harry. "Harry.." I whispered in a low voice hoping no one could hear me. I then hugged onto him tighter.

" I'm right here and I'm not going anyway." His voice was firm but soothing. I snuggled into him deeper, as he slightly stroked and played with my hair.

When Kara-Beth finally came back into the room, she handed me a glass of water and sat next to me. That's when I began to wonder. Why is Harry here? Didn't he just leave probably never wanting to see me again..

So I asked,"Harry? What are you doing here?" I sat my glass on the table and turned to him. "Well remember how you told me you where moving to London? " he questioned me. I nodded remembering the conversation from earlier. "Well when I got back to the hotel... I was reminded by a friend, I live in London!" Harry stated with the biggest grin plastered on his dimpled face.

I leaned over to Harry and yet again embraced him into a tight hug. That's when I heard a sigh, then the sound of feet running up my stairs, followed by the sound of a loud slamming door.. Kara-Beth... "No. I'll be back I've got to go check on her." I told Harry. He nodded understandingly and I took off upstairs looking for my best friend.



Kara-Beth! Nooooooo! heeheh! sooo liking the story? Ive acutely been impressing myself! so if you have any thoughts tell me. I mean do you even read this!? come on! well in the last chapter if you didn't get the hint I stated like the last few sentences Jake was like: James said he would kill me and I mean literally.!: well it was something like that. just hope you pick up the hint! oh and p.s. SO THERE IS NO CONFUSION THIS IS STILL BASED IN THE FLASHBACK! I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN ITS OVER! HOPEFULLY WITH THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS OR SOOOOO! thanks!



Xx-Kendra C:

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