Chapter 18 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 18

****Kallie's POV****

Me and Kara jogged downstairs to find Harry sitting on the couch where we left him. Harry sat up right from his slouching position. "Well what are y'all wanting to do?" I questioned them both. "Don't you need to finish packing? " Kara-Beth responded.

"Nope. It's all finished! All I need to do is pack up my bed, but Jake and James are going to do that!" I said cheerfully, knowing I had no more packing to do. "How about we go out for linner? " Harry asked. " What is linner? " I pondered.

" Its like dinner and lunch together.. you know considering its 3 in the afternoon. " Harry stated. I nodded in agreement, I mean I can eat all the time. Food is food! I looked to Kara-Beth to see if she wanted to go.

"Yeah! I'm starving! But you know I'm always hungry! " Kara was rubbing her stomach looking at it grinning. "Gosh Kara-Beth! I worry about you all the time!" I playfully shoved her earning I laugh from her and Harry.

"So where are we going to eat?" Harry questioned. "Ooohhh I want Taco Bell!" Kara shouted. "Yeah that actually sounds pretty good about now!"I added. "Taco Bell it is then! Lets go! I'm driving! " Harry sang!

We all walked out to Harry's black Range Drover, Kara-Beth walked directly to the back seat, making me sit in the passenger seat beside Harry.

As we backed out the drive way, I looked into the rear view mirror only to see Kara-Beth mouth 'I love you'. I rolled my eyes at her. We rode in ackward silence.

As we were riding in the car I rested my arm on the console in between me and Harry. After about 2 minutes I felt something grab my hand.

I thought it was Kara-Beth but the other persons hand soon intertwined with mine. I looked down and noticed the Manley hand, I followed the hand up their arm to Harry's perfect face, he continued to stare at the road as he drove. I saw a small side smirk on his face though.

We soon arrived to Taco Bell. I let go of Harry's hand but he tightened his grip a little, not enough for him to hurt me though, then he reluctantly let go.

As I walked around to the front of the car with Kara-Beth, Harry locked the doors and walked to us. "Let's go in shall we?" we nodded and began to walk.

Kara managed to get in front of me and Harry to 'lead the way' she literally marched to the entrance of taco bell. As I giggled at her, I felt Harry reach for my hand again. I willingly grabbed his hand and intertwined our hands again. I looked at him to see him looking at me. He did that cute little smirk laugh thing. It caused me to blush at his action.

When we finally reached the entrance and went in, I saw Kara-Beth standing at the counter waving us over. Me and Harry hurried over to where Kara was. "How can I help you?" the man behind the counter said dully. Harry spoke up before anyone could "Yeah, can we get 2 orders of the 12 pack Doritos Los tacos 1 pack nacho flavored the other Ranch." why did Harry order so much? Its just us three. Harry then paid the cashier and we went and sat in a Booth.



Like? Why do you think he ordered so much? for Kara-Beth? himself? Hahaha! oh and I have special surprise for you in the next chapter! well a special person! uh ohhhh! so guys I finallyish updated! yet again I feel as if I'm talking to myself.... I will state Thiss every time until I get a response!! right @kaleyfaith! Hahaha! mum! #insider when I ramble ..... so I guess that's it! byeeeeee!


Thanks Guy's!

Xx-Kendra C:

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