Chapter 27 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 27

*Still in flashback. Figured I'd remind you! c:*

****Kallie's POV***

I was crying into Harry's shoulder when he picked me up bridal style and started walking. I finally looked up when I heard him talking to Louis. He told him to pay for my coffee and to get my carry on.

While Louis went to do that, Harry carried me the rest of the way to his car. He carefully place my in the back seat and took off his blazer for me to wear. I took the blazer and wrapped it around me while I curled up in the back.

Harry shut the door and walked around to driver seat and got in. As we were waiting for Louis to come to the car, Harry spoke. "Kallie I want. Well I mean." Harry was having a hard time getting his words out."Kallie what I'm trying to say is that I think it would be for the best if you stayed with me and Lou at our flat."

****Harry's POV****

I didn't wanna pressure her into staying with me and Lou, especially since I'm not even quite sure why she called me wanting me to pick her up. Although I had a good feeling it was something those Dowells.

Suddenly Kallie spoke aloud, "I think that's a good idea." She smiled a weak and sincere smile, and looked back out the car window at the on-going traffic.

Finally when Louis returned to the car, he put Kallie's carry on in the trunk then took his seat in the passenger seat. I started the car and we drove straight to the flat in silence.

When we arrived, Louis took Kallie inside while I grabbed her carry on. When I finally reached the inside of the flat, I noticed Kallie was in aw.

"You guys have a lovely home." Kallie complimented. In my opinion me and Lou kept the flat pretty clean for two guys. Well at least that what Gem tells us.

"Do you guys have somewhere I can lay down for a few? I have a massive headache. " She stated while rubbing her head. "Uhh yeah, you can sleep in my room until we finish up the guest room. We have had it for awhile now, we just never used it." I state, willingly giving up my room for her.

Kallie lightly chuckled as I began to lead her to my room. "Oh and I just want to say thank you for getting me you guys, and not bombarding me with questions. I'll explain things when I get up, im still having trouble processing things myself." Lou and I nodded understandingly and I continued to lead the way to my room.



****Kallie's POV****

I had just awakened from a nightmare. Tears streaming down my face, and I was a little sticky like from sweat. Suddenly I heard faded voices coming from outside Harry closed bedroom door.

"Come on Lou! I just want to check on her. Make sure she is Ok." Harry was trying to convince Louis he should check on me. "No Harry. When she wakes up you can talk to her. She needs her sleep, she seems like she's had a rough evening." Louis stated. "Fine" Harry sighed, then I heard the Piter and patter of foot steps as they faded down the hall.

I quietly sighed, thanking Louis for convincing Harry not to come in. I looked and felt a wreck. I stumbled from out of Harry's bed and walked over to his bathroom. I looked into the mirror and I looked horrible.

I walked back into Harry's room and picked up my make up bag, grabbing my Concealer to cover up some of the redness around my eyes. I went and washed my face, applied my make up, then decided to change.

I wanted to be comfortable so I put on a pair of black leggings with a light blue tank top, it was bigger so it was nice lose fit the fell a little below my hips. Finally I grabbed my grey, long sleeved cardigan to top it off.

After I finished cleaning up I sat down on the edge of Harry's bed, Playing with the necklace my mother gave me. I wonder if she ever made it out. If she was even still alive. Then I wondered if James and Jake knew I had left. What if they find me?! What am I going to do?!

Suddenly I heard a loud crash. "Louis Tomlinson! You need to stay quiet! Your going to wake up Kallie!" Harry half whispered half yelled. "Sorry Harry I accidentally knocked my cup of the table." Louis apologized.

That's when it hit me. I should probably tell Louis and Harry about what happened. I was kinda hesitant at first, but I had already agreeed to tell them. Yeah, I think I will. It's probably for the best.

After my mini prep talk, I stood and walked to the door. I took a deep breath and opened it. I knew after telling Harry and Louis, I would be stepping into a whole new and different world.



Okay so I know I said I would update more but I've gotten a little lazy... But it took a little to write this chapter. I had some writers block! So anyway what are you Guy's thinking? I'm really liking it! Oh and I'm thinking of either when I finish starting a new story or Co writing a story with @KaleyFaith! So I let you guys know about it! Oh and 1D is finally in the USA! we'll they have been here but one of my best friends went and saw them perform in Nashville wensday! She had amazing seats too! I was jelly! And they are have a band called 5 seconds of summer open up for their shows! You should check them out! they are really good! Louis discovered them! okay enough of my ranting! BYYEEEE!



Xx-Kendra C:

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