Broken and Repaired (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 1

-Kallie's POV-

Im sitting in his room, crying. I don't know how long I've been crying, but I do know that I gave him all my trust and he just threw it all away, like I meant nothing to him.

****FLASHBACK(long one.. Last to Chapter 29.. )****

"Mom, I'm home" I shouted. I had just gotten back from volleyball practice with Kara-Beth, she's my bestfriend. I walked up staires and dropped my gym bag by my bed, then headed to the bathroom for a shower. When I got out of the shower I put my long, wavey, dark brown hair up into a messy bun. Then I put on a light blue tank and threw on some white shorts. I then returned back to the bathroom to put on some light makeup. Kara-Beth and I had decided that since we got out of practice early, we would meet up later and get something to eat. I texted Kara-Beth letting her know I had gotten a shower and asked where she wanted to meet up. I figured since she hadn't texted back right away she was still in the shower. So I walked down staires only to be called by my mother. " Kallie, come here for a second will you?". I walked to the living room where she was, only to see my mother and him sitting together on the couch. You may be wondering who him is? Well him is Mr. James Dowell. James is my mom's boyfriend, they've been dating for quite sometime now. They seemed pretty serious too. I mean sure I'm happy for my mom and all, but I've never really liked him. James just gives me this bad feeling, like I can't trust him. Plus on top of all of that, since he and my mom have been dating, it's like I never see her anymore. She spends a lot of time with him. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by my moms voice. "Sweetheart, why are you dressed like your going somewhere?, didn't you just get back from practice?". "Yeah me and Kara-Beth are going to get something to eat. I figured you would be with James tonight". "Well maybe you and Kara-Beth can join me and James for dinner, we've got some exciting news to share!" My mom sounded happy, yet you could hear something in her voice that made it almost sound like a fake happy, she almost sounded sad? No. thats not he word, it will come to me later.


So guys this is chapter 1! I really hoped you guys liked it! This is my first fanfiction so I'm really excited to write! I've got lots of idea's! I'm already writing chapter 2, hopefully it will be up tomorrow or Saturday! ****please vote! comment! feedback would be amazing too! thanks!****


-Kendra C:

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