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"A half-truth is much more dangerous than a full lie. Because it gives you the assurance you know everything but in reality, you know nothing"




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( Warning: Sexual Harassment )

In the bustling city of Atlantis, the central business district was dominated by a towering building. The day was a little windy, and raven clouds had settled over the entire city since the night before, with heavy rain predicted.

It was daytime around 11:30, but due to the bad weather, it appeared to be evening. Revolt Corporations & Pt. Limited was written in bold and italic letters on the towering structure.

A woman sat in her cabinet on the building's thirty-sixth floor, anxiously watching the weather forecast. Since the morning, she had been plagued by a terrible feeling; something did not seem right, but she could not pinpoint what it was.

Unexpectedly, a voice caught her attention.

"Olivia! The boss has asked for you," she tried to distract herself with work when Freya, one of her colleagues, informed her. She raised her head from the file, which she was reading for a new project. She nodded in her colleague's direction to indicate that she had received her message.

She quickly got out of her seat, straightened her black pencil skirt, and adjusted her baby pink shirt to the proper position before heading to her boss's cabin.

As she turned the doorknob to her boss's office, she was surprised to see a familiar figure sitting in her boss's swirl chair.

"W-what are you doing here, Marcus?" She inquired as a wave of fear swept over her, causing the ground beneath her to tremble and her entire world to spin before her eyes.

She was speechless, her mind refusing to accept the truth about the man in front of her, leaving her stunned for the first few seconds.

"Oli ! Oli My... Oli! Of course, I am here for you, my love," the man replied sweetly. His eyes were filled with an emotion that Olivia had never imagined he possessed for her: adoration.

"I'm not your Oli, Sir! My name is Mrs Olivia Johnathan Adam, and I would like to remind you that whatever we had between us ended years ago, Mr Campbell," she argued firmly. Olivia was furious, gritting her teeth and spitting her words at the man's face.

How can a man be so shameless? He still has the nerve to show her his face and refers to her as his possession.

He had already caused her enough pain to last a lifetime, and she did not want him to take away what little peace she had left.

"How dare you? HOW DARE YOU OLIVIA?! How can you take another man's name along with you, when I'm right here in front of you? You are my mate and you belong to me. Whether I want you or not, you are always branded as mine," Marcus boasted arrogantly.

A Half TruthWhere stories live. Discover now