Marilyn Campbell

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Marcus stepped out of the restroom, paced toward his walk-in closet, and quickly grabbed a fresh and new expensive suit from the line of his suits to change into

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Marcus stepped out of the restroom, paced toward his walk-in closet, and quickly grabbed a fresh and new expensive suit from the line of his suits to change into.

When he emerged from his private lounge, he discovered his office to be spotless. He was ecstatic because there was no scent from the woman earlier.

He walked toward the office's confidential area and used a fingerprint sensor to open a small room door. The room was packed with files to the ceiling and various documents about legal and illegal activities.

He walked closer to a small vault and inserted a pin into the device placed on it. The pin represented her birthdate and was very special to him, something he would never forget.

The vault was filled with different colours of potions for various purposes. He picked up a glass bottle and drank the lavender-coloured liquid from it.

These potions helped him a lot over the years, both in keeping his wolf under control and for other purposes

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These potions helped him a lot over the years, both in keeping his wolf under control and for other purposes.

"WHEN WILL YOU STOP FUCKING THOSE BITCHES?!" his wolf, Liam, snapped at him angrily as soon as he regained consciousness. He could detect the faint scent of the woman over him. His words were filled with disgust and rage.

Marcus angrily retorted, "When you stop fucking my brain," taking up a clear perfume bottle and dousing himself in it to entirely cover up any scent.

He walked over to his working desk and turned on his computer to immerse himself in his work. After a few hours of exhaustion, he lay down on the headrest and closed his eyes.

He was restless again, so he opened the last drawer on his desk with a trembling hand. He took a picture frame and a black velvet box from there.

The picture in the frame was taken nearly 29 years ago and belonged to his family. It was the last time when his happy family was with him.

Three-year-old Marcus is seen sitting in his father's lap, looking as innocent and carefree as an angel and grinning like the sun.

Standing behind his father's chair were two teenagers, a boy and a girl. They stood beside each other, holding hands tightly as a couple.

The girl smiled brightly, but the boy's face was scratched out of the picture, indicating how much he despised that person.

The girl in the photo was his late elder sister, Ms. Marilyn Campbell, and the boy was her fiancee and friend, Mr. Arthur Dylan Hart.

Everyone believed in M.C. Hospital and Medical Assistance; M.C. stood for Marcus Campbell, but it was just a belief.

He was the founder of this mental health organization. It helped people who were suffering from depression and other mental illnesses, much like his sister, who struggled with them her entire life, and it was named after her, '
Marilyn Campbell Hospital and Medical Help.

What an irony for Olivia, if she ever knew about the past. He ran his thumb over his sister's face, took a deep breath to control the burning tears in his eyes, and then returned the frame to the drawer.

He opened the black velvet box and pulled out Olivia's bracelet. To calm his nerves, he inhaled deeply of her scent.

What was so special about this bracelet that it always stayed on her wrist? Was it a gift from the man? Did she love him?

He was lost in thought when his phone started vibrating on his desk. He looked at it and noticed Alex's name glowing on the screen. He hurriedly returned the bracelet to the box and placed it back in the same drawer. The phone connected and he picked it up, irritated.

"Greeting Alpha, the lawyer does an excellent job; he finally gets his hands on that Gun, and you are now just one step away from the position of A.O.A., and after that, we will be the strongest pack in the world," Alex exclaimed as he informed his superior. He waited patiently for the other person's statements.

"Mmm... Good! The lawyer is quite useful; releases her daughter while keeping an eye on him. We cannot afford to lose such a valuable asset. What about that mole, huh? Who complained about me to the Werewolf Law and Justice Council...?Do you know anything about him or her? Alex!," Marcus demanded. He was eager to learn more about the person who dared to file a complaint against him, so he had to change his plans.

"No-no Alpha! I-I do not find anything... but I assure you that I will find out and report back to you as soon as possible," Alex replied fearfully, knowing how important this piece of information was to his Alpha.

"What the hell are you doing, Alex!? Just because, for this person, I inevitably throw Olivia under the bus...even if it ends up being a good thing for me, I still need to find that mole. The council has already inspected the pack six times in the last three and a half months over a single complaint. You know I can not take the risk of staining my character, not now, Alex.....when I am so close to achieving my dream. I worked hard for it. Everything is falling perfectly into place; I can not ruin it. It can not be Olivia because my hackers have already removed her emails before they reach the council's FIND THAT MOLE... Alex!!" Marcus illustrated him and almost yelled the last line at Alex. His face showed frustration and apprehension.

Without waiting for Alex to respond, he hung up the phone.

After a long struggle, he finally had Olivia and the Werewolf clan's most powerful position, A.O.A. (Alpha of Alpha), both of which were only one step away from him, and he did not want to lose either of them.

His life was finally on the right track, both personally and politically, and he did not want to miss out on this opportunity.

"It is time to visit you...Oli, but first I have an unfinished task to complete," he mumbled to himself, lost in his thoughts until the vibration of his phone diverted his attention once more.

But this time, as he looked at the string of words 'Eastern Wing' on his phone screen, lines of worry appeared on his face. It was a landline code from his castle's east wing, which was reserved exclusively for his son.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" he yelled into the phone as soon as the line was connected. He was impatiently awaiting the reason for the call; he knew his butler would not disturb him unless there was a specific reason.

"Al.....Alpha.. hmm Yo....young master bu..... burning with fever," explained the butler, who, like everyone else, feared the Alpha to the core. But he knew there was a much more important piece of information to share with Alpha.

"Call all the healers...and I am coming," Marcus said in a firm tone as he rose from his chair and hurriedly walked out of his office.


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