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Centuries ago, there was no time zone and the universe was shrouded in dense fog

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Centuries ago, there was no time zone and the universe was shrouded in dense fog. Only Gods and their servers existed, and they ruled over all of heaven.

The realm-like earth was mostly covered in dense forests and vegetation. In this type of environment, the dense forest became home to a variety of mysterious creatures who hid themselves in caves for thousands of years.

One of them was a werewolf.

Serena, the Moon Goddess, first created a werewolf who was too frail to transform. She named him Ares; he was the first werewolf, could only shift during full moons, and endured excruciating pain for the next fifteen days.

He lacked the strength to carry himself properly, let alone fight a war against the powerful vampires attempting to conquer the entire realm of the Moon Goddess in Heaven.

It was impossible.

The Goddess tried again, creating another werewolf named Arles, and while the outcome was slightly better, she was still dissatisfied. She now owned two worthless werewolves.

One night, the disappointed Goddess wandered through a dense forest on Earth. She was lost in thought as her two wolves followed her. She had no idea when she entered the most dangerous section of the woods in a daze.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a growling sound emanating from an ancient cave.

"Who are you? And how dare you enter my territory! Answer me...or I'll eat your wolves and sick your powers ...enough to transform you into a human and then eat you. I have been hungry for a century, so do not try my patience,"

The voice threatened her with authority, and the dynamic energy emanating from the cave indicated that the creature was engulfed in power, possibly greater than 'Zeus' and all the other Gods combined.

Serena immediately knelt on the ground, and the wolves followed suit. Her eyes shone with hope as she introduced herself to the creature.

"Oh! Lord, my name is Serena, and I am known as The Moon Goddess. I only came into being a few centuries ago. I am still immature and fragile in comparison to other gods in Heaven," she said firmly, her tears threatening to spill.

"My Lord-and-and, *sob A powerful God from Hell wanted to disgrace me. He wants to turn me into his property. I will fight for my dignity until my last breath, but the wolves I created are insufficient to defend me and my kingdom. Please help me, My Lord...*sob," she stammered as she explained, tears streaming down her cheek.

Her mind was clouded with concern when she was met with nothing but silence. A moment later, a burst of energy engulfed them. It looked into whether they were telling the truth or not.

The motion terrified the trio, but they maintained their composure and stood firm.

"Enter the cave," the powerful creature permitted, and they obeyed his orders. The cave emitted energy, making their presence seem insignificant.

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