Overwhelming Fear

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She sat on the couch, staring out the window at the moon

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She sat on the couch, staring out the window at the moon. It was calm and bright. The clock displayed 3:30 a.m. and she took a deep sigh to ease her anxiety.

She felt a presence beside her and turned around to find Nathan. When he grabbed the seat next to her quickly, his weight pressed against it. Nathan patted her hair slowly and began running his fingers through it. His small gesture warmed her heart and calmed her senses as she relied on his touch.

"What is bothering you, Lia? Smoking is bad for your health. You never smoke unless you are restless," he questioned as he grabbed the stick from her hand and rubbed it in the ashtray on the coffee table next to the couch.

Worry laced his voice, so she decided to muster some courage and tell him what happened in the office.

"He is here, Nathan," she announced fearfully. She noticed a shadow of anxiety engulfing him quickly. He was well aware of the question, "Who was he?" and the topic of her conversation.

"What does he want?" he demanded in a soft but firm tone, hoping to complete his understanding of the situation. She darted at his face, revealing every detail he was curious about.

"Marcus wants me back," she gently informed him. I am still a toy for him" she added but still careful. She did not want Nathan to believe he was a weak choice.

"Why, though? When he is living his life perfectly," he doubted, appearing both curious and scared. If he was freaked out by the news, it was understandable.

He was a human and could not compete with a werewolf, who was far superior to him in terms of status and wealth. He could not even challenge him to a physical fight like wolves do over a mate; a physical fight with Marcus would reduce his chances of survival to zero.

In this case, Marcus would kill him with his bare hands without hesitation. She did not want this, so she finally decided to respond to his novelty.

"It's very obvious, his wolf is losing his sanity. He is taking over his human part. The rejection between us was never complete. Neither did he reject me nor allow me to reject him. His wolf is furious with him when another she-wolf marks him and mates with him while his soulmate is still alive. I am still his mate, and he wants to control his wolf through me. That's why he wants me back," she explained truthfully. Meanwhile, she sank deeper into his arms and allowed her sanity to calm a little.

"He needed to satisfy his wolf's need, which his chosen mate had failed to do. He never marked his chosen mate because his wolf never agreed with him. There could be two reasons: he wants to kill me or he wants me to persuade his wolf to mark his chosen mate. So she can be a proper Luna for the pack," she continued, and by the time she finished, his face was filled with trepidation and despair, which could be seen in his eyes.

She did not want to scare him further, but she needed to inform him about Marcus' ultimatum to her.

"He came looking for me in my office last afternoon. I was shocked to see him in my boss's cabin," she clutched his hand and tried to suppress her emotions. The harassment she had endured earlier in the office was too painful for her to describe in words, but she had to, so she let the words slip.

"He misbehaved with me, kissed me forcefully, and touched me inappropriately. He gives me two days to make a decision," she revealed, her heart heavy.


She sucked in the air to adjust her emotion, her throat clogged up as she tried her best to fight back her tears.

"H-he even threatens me with your and Megan's lives. I dismissed it after that. I still can not believe the company where I worked for seven years fired me under his influence. He must be quite powerful to control everything like this," she inhaled deeply as she provided him with additional information. Shame and guilt enveloped her, and she buried her face in her hands.

"Lia, have you been hurt anywhere? How could that bastard do something like this?" Nathan attempted to investigate; his words were laced with concern, and rage could be seen in his eyes, but he most importantly cared about her. This was the reason she cherished him so much. He did not accuse her, as others have done in the past.

"I am sorry, I should not have let him touch me," she mumbled softly, lowering her head again and resting her chin on her knee.

"It is fine, Lia; it was not your fault. Never lower your head; you have done nothing wrong. He should be ashamed for forcing himself on you. Do not let someone's heinous act destroy your self-esteem. You are still my innocent Lia; I was just worried that he might hurt you," he comforted her, and her eyes welled up with unshed tears, but she kept her cool.

"I'm fine, but what are we going to do now Nathan? I'm more concerned about Megan. He is powerful and wealthy," Olivia's trepidation was completely exposed to him. She wrapped her arms around her legs, looking to the other side. She could not bear to make eye contact with him out of shame.

After a while, she felt two strong arms embrace her tightly. She lifted her head and stared into his eyes, her chin still resting on her knees.

He gently kissed her forehead and rubbed her back to calm her.

"Everything will be fine, we'll find a way, Lia. We have got two days to think. Do not worry; there must be a solution to every problem. Relax your mind and try to get some sleep," he confirmed as he picked her up from the sofa. He lowered her onto the bed and lay beside her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and cradled her against his chest.

She lay her head on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeats. Her anxiety was greatly alleviated by this action. He kissed the crown of her head and reassured her as she drifted off into a dream.

The next morning, she awoke on an empty bed, feeling refreshed and relaxed, but was surprised to find Johnathan not beside her.

She quickly climbed out of bed and looked around, but she could not find him anywhere. She opened the restroom door, but it was also vacant.

She stepped out of her bedroom and walked down the stairs toward the kitchen, but he was not there. Then she decided to check out Megan's room.

She peeked inside her chamber and found her sleeping peacefully, but Johnathan was not present.

She began searching for him in every corner of the property, but he was nowhere to be found.

She checked his car key, and it was not on the key holder. His shoes and overcoat were missing from their respective spots. She jogged toward the master bedroom and investigated further, discovering that his wallet, as well as her spare bills and cards, had gone missing.

She opened the cabinet's last drawer and checked their passports. She was perplexed to find that both her and Megan's passports were in the drawer, but she could not find his.

She returned to the kitchen and searched for any kind of note or message on the refrigerator, but nothing was found.

She dialled his phone number to call him, but it was switched off. She dialled his workplace number, but she discovered that he had left his job in the morning.

Exhausted, she collapsed on the living room couch. A sense of scepticism and betrayal surrounded her.

She burst into tears and pulled her hair out of frustration. 'Did he leave us?'

The question kept popping up in her mind. The level of nervousness and fear she felt was overwhelming.

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