Good and bad news

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It is been three days since Mr William left her with a promise and has yet to return with any news

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It is been three days since Mr William left her with a promise and has yet to return with any news.

She was doing her usual chores when a cop announced that someone had come looking for her. Her hopes were raised when he gave her the name Mr William.

She was eager to find out when she would be released from here because she had not visited Nathan and Megan's graves in several days. She was missing them terribly and longed to meet them.

As a result, she rushed to the meeting room, where she was led by a security officer. She took the seat opposite the man who finally paid her a visit after she had given up hope in him. She picked up the intercom receiver in order to elicit some positive responses from him.

"Good evening, Ms. Hart I have both good and bad news for you. I hope you understand me," the man on the other end of the line greeted, his voice hesitant, as if something was wrong.

Nonetheless, she had to be strong for her deceased family.

"Yes...I am listening, Mr William; what is it?" she allowed him to continue, despite her heart trembling with fear. She had no expressions on her face; she was not a weakling and would fight with all her might. Her veins infused with thoughts and determination.

"Ms. Hart, I filed an appeal for your bail in the lower court, but they denied it because your drug record makes you a 'danger' to society...."

"After that, I also appealed to the higher court, but the results were the same, and the good news is that they accepted our petition to defend and begin our session."

Olivia remained silent as she rejoiced at the good news; finally, there was hope. She nodded to the man, encouraging him to finish his conversation.

"So, the trial in your case can begin on Monday. Congratulations!...from Monday, you will officially begin your fight for justice," he explained, smiling warmly at her. However, she could tell there was something hidden behind his smile.

No matter what she could fully trust this man who offered his help from nowhere.

"Yeah, it's okay. I understand your struggle, Mr. William, and I appreciate it very much. I appreciate your assistance," she stated softly, nodding in the man's direction to express her gratitude for his generosity. It was a guniune gesture, but she had a nagging suspicion.

"I will give the papers related to your trial to the cop in charge of your case. So be ready at nine a.m. on Monday for your first trial-"

"-Just one bit of advice Ms. Hart, do not be overconfident, and do not initially decline every accusation made by the public prosecutor. Shows your anxiety, which can benefit us," he advised her on what to do, raising her suspicions even further. Nonetheless, before she could agree with his words, she needed some clarification.

"Why? Mr. Williams, why do I have to do this!?" she demanded, surprised that her voice came out stronger than she wanted. However, she noticed his expressions of uncertainty in his eyes, which heightened her suspicions about him.

"Trust me, Ms. Hart I have already told you that if you want to change your circumstances and get out of prison, just do as I say," he was trying hard to persuade her, but her skepticism was screaming. She eventually shook her in agreement, purely for the sake of her family's justice. He was her final straw, and she did not want to lose it.

"Okay, I will follow your instructions," She gave him a half-hearted approval as she removed the receiver from my ear and decided to set it down, but his hasty voice stopped her.

"Don't, Ms. Hart; I have something important to tell you. Your marital home is now owned by a charity foundation called DREAMS-"

"-I found out about it when I went to your house to collect some evidence that could be used in your favor. Instead of evidence, I found a brown paper bag in your mailbox," he mumbled sympathetically in a low voice. Olivia, on the other hand, was taken aback by his words and felt her heart sink in her stomach.

That house was her family's last remembrance. From her marriage to Megan's birth and toddler years, that building held so many memories of her loved ones, and she did not want to lose them.

"Ho-How is this possible!?" her voice cracked as she implored him, and tears began to blur her vision. She gripped the phone so tightly that her finger turned white.

"That brown bag filled with some papers belongs to Mr Rodgers Adam's will, and according to it, the house is Adam's property until his son Mr Jonathan Adam dies, and then it belongs to DREAMS-"

"-So they decided to turn it into an orphanage. I apologize, Ms. Hart, for informing you of this bad news," he went on to explain, easing her curiosity. Nonetheless, she was unable to possess the words that her family's last memory had taken away from her.

"Thank you, Mr Willam. Although I am sad, the fact that it is going to be turned into an orphanage gives me peace. Perhaps this is the fate of that place and mine as well. Good evening, Mr. William," she let out her grief in a crackly voice as she lowered the receiver and rose from her seat.

She couldn't stop her tears, helplessly she set them free so they could drift her pain with them if it was possible in any way.

She returned to her cell and hid under the covers to escape her reality. She hoped her dreams would bring her back to her family, even if only for a short time; she missed them terribly. With tears in her eyes, she finally fell asleep.

Monday arrived sooner than she had expected. A lady cop informed her of her exit time and schedule from the cell. She handed her a formal black suit and directed her to change. According to the cops, Mr Willian arranged everything, which irritated her. She remained silent and shrugged off the feeling.

After making her presentable, they released her from the cell and handed her some paperwork to sign regarding her health and privacy. She was even surprised to find a doctor there, who carefully examined her health.

She became timid and obediently followed every formality. A few moments later, they handcuffed her and dragged her from the police station.

They stuffed her inside the police car and drove toward the city's judicial district.

She was perplexed as to why they needed to cause so much trouble for themselves, but all of her questions were answered as soon as they arrived in court.

The entire area was crowded with press reporters, and the view outside the window made her nervous. She felt it was her final judgment day of life.

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