A New Body

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Victor could not understand why she was planning all of this when she was living the life that many creatures aspired to, whether they lived on Earth, Heaven, or Hell

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Victor could not understand why she was planning all of this when she was living the life that many creatures aspired to, whether they lived on Earth, Heaven, or Hell. Humans, demons, and even shapeshifters or bloodsuckers like him would do anything to live an easy life like her.

She was the epitome of beauty, power and wisdom. She was immortal and immune to disease and death, as opposed to him, who was bedridden and one-third covered in worms, and it was still insufficient for her.

"You should not punish an innocent person because of her parents' mistakes, Serena. It is not an ethical thing to do; leave that little girl alone and find somebody else,"

Victor, on the other hand, was hesitant to throw an innocent life into chaos. He advised with an uninteresting attitude and tone, peering out the window.

"Come on, Victor, that girl is the daughter of the betrayer you despise the most Elena. She is the cause of your misery, and you still think about ethics," Serena argued back.

She had already made up her mind and was not going to back down, even if she had to use some tactics. She was fueling the flames of hatred in his heart and mind. Victor's hands clutched the duvet over his legs as a reminder of Elena.

She was his best friend, possibly more than a friend. She grew up in his arms like a baby, different in age and clan but sharing a bond. Nonetheless, at the last moment, she demonstrated that she preferred her love over her friend.

"But it was Elena's fault as well as that wolf, who rejected his mate and entangled their emotions. Even if I despise them, I do not want to do anything as you suggest," Victor was stubborn as always; he did not completely trust Serena, which was understandable.

"Be selfish for once, Victor; you have struggled like a worrier your entire life. You fight like a warlord, and you rule over half of the realm, giving the vampire clan what they never imagined. When it is time to repay you, they ignore you or let you decay and die in this filthy environment. Your creator Hades never recognizes your achievements. No matter how much blood you shed for him," she asserted confidently, completely knowing what she was doing.

"Tell me, Victor, do not you want to live with a healthy body, eat decent food, drink fresh blood from your prey while they are still alive, or fuck women huh? All of this is just one step away for you, and I am here to help you get there," she stated excitedly. Her offer was both tempting and risky.

Victor's brain began to spin quickly as he analysed that whatever the Goddess asserted was the absolute truth, and everything pierced his heart like an arrow.

For once, he wanted to be selfish, even if it meant imprisoning an innocent life forever. He had been bedridden for years and was ready for a taste of freedom. He wanted to taste fresh blood, travel the world, and live a luxurious lifestyle.

"Fine, I am with you," he finally agreed with her, but his heart remained in denial, however, he shrugged it off. He could not afford to miss this opportunity.

Serena smiled at his approval. Victor was the key point of her plan and she didn't want to lose him.

Without wasting a moment, she closed her eyes and stretched out her hands. She recited a spell, and in a few moments, a silver knife and a silver goblet appeared in her hands from the air.

She placed the goblet on the table, cut open her palm with the silver knife, and filled it with her blood before drawing a border around the casket with her blood.

She offered Victor the goblet, which he accepted with trembling hands, while various thoughts raced through his mind. For three minutes, he only looked at the fluid.

Am I ready for this?

I'm pushing myself at the mercy of an enemy.

If it is a trap?

All these questions were going through his head. Only God's blood could provide a new life or help to switch a body.

It's a rare opportunity.

With one last thought, he gulped the crimson liquid. He felt his entire body burning, and his breath caught in his throat. He was feeling suffocated as if someone had choked his windpipe. His eyes rolled back, and his body shook violently.

After a while, a green smoke appeared in the darkness where Victor was sitting and vanished into the casket. Meanwhile, Victor's lifeless body fell off the bed.

Serena never stopped chanting her spells all this time, closing her eyes and spreading her arms in the air, summoning all of her power at once and throwing it in a straight line towards the casket.

Exchanging a body for another soul was never easy; she had to tear a piece of her soul as well, which made her weak for a few moments. It could be dangerous if an enemy decided to strike at that point, so it was also risky for Goddess.

The casket shook violently for about fifteen minutes. Finally, its lid opened, revealing a man with sharp fangs and bright red eyes dressed in a black suit.

"Yo...you Serena, you offer me a rotten body with five holes in the back, one in the head, twenty bones, and three broken ribs," Victor complained as he climbed down from the casket.

"That is nothing, Victor; you can heal in a few minutes with your powers," Goddess said with a sarcastic smile. Victor groaned in pain and limped around to the couch opposite the Goddess, sizing it with difficulty.

After a while, he began healing his broken bones with a cracking sound, ran his hand through his hair, and pulled a bullet out of his head.

With his healing abilities, other pieces of metal emerge from his back one by one and fall to the ground, making clinking sounds.

Victor rose from his seat and marched toward the mirror; he did not trust the Goddess at all, but he was surprised to see his reflection in the mirror.

Thick black hair, beautiful hazel green eyes, pointed nose, heart-shaped lips, and a sharp jawline. A handsome face piqued his interest, and he ripped off his suit and shirt to further explore his body.

Whoever this man was, he took good care of his body.

An admiring thought crossed his mind. Strong broad shoulders, a well-built chest, and eight-pack abs with ripped muscles. Everything seemed too good to be true.

He was suddenly struck with a thought. His wide smile was replaced by worry, and he rushed to the restroom.

"Men," Serena muttered under her breath, sighed deeply in frustration, and shook her head helplessly. She had been watching Victor's actions for some time and considered them a terrible show.

Victor smiled from ear to ear as he walked out of the restroom.

"Are you satisfied right now? Can we get to our agreement?" her voice was irritated; she would had enough of his childish behaviour.

"Agreement...what kind of agreement?" Victor was perplexed and asked a question as if he could not understand her words.

"I need a blood oath from you, Victor," she demanded calmly, and Victor's eyes widened with fear.


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