Tree of Life

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Serena walked out of the room and saw Ares standing there, holding a bag of food takeout

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Serena walked out of the room and saw Ares standing there, holding a bag of food takeout.

"Instruct him further on what to do; I have enough for a lifetime with him. I will wait for you in the carriage," she irritably told Ares, rubbing her temple.

"Yes, Goddess," he replied in a monotone and entered the room, while she dashed towards the gate with the other four men.

Ares noticed Victor sitting on the couch, lost in his thoughts and staring blankly at the ground. He did not even notice when Ares entered the room or joined him.

"Agustin will assist you in every way possible. Including providing you with blood, enough for you and your people to survive. Assisting you in growing, and even assisting in raising an army. He will also lead her to you. What you should do with her, how to manipulate and persuade her...Victor, everything is in your hands; just be a little careful," Ares explained with a bored tone.

He placed the bag of food on the table in a disrespectful manner, almost throwing it over his face.

Victor snapped out of his daydreams when he noticed a harsh tone and looked at the man in front of him. He was once under his sword, but he kept his head up. He admired Ares since that day.

"Do not put too much trust in her, Ares, and do not let your loyalty cloud your judgment. She will not think twice about ditching you," he warned as he looked at him with sympathy. Ares paid little attention to his words before turning around ready to leave.

"Is not Agustin Aaron's son? So what about the treaty? Is there going to be an annulment process?" Victor asked when he noticed Ares' indifferent behaviour, he wanted to clear all of his doubts.

Trusting the werewolf clan was like walking on thin ice for him. He wanted to be cautious at all times.

Ares paused his steps and decided to satisfy Victor's curiosity by stuffing his hands into his pockets. He returned and closed the gap between them by taking long steps in his direction. He stood in front of him, face to face, and looked into his eyes fearlessly.

"Yes, he is Aaron's son, and the treaty is still valid. Agustin cannot assist you in this matter until he wins the election and officially becomes an A.O.A. (Alpha of Alpha) because it is under the council. Even if he wins, convincing council members to annul a treaty against a 'Vampire' will be a long process. Thus, everything is done illegally. Be careful, Victor. I do not want anything to happen to Agustin. Now, anything else?" he demonstrated everything to him and asked the final question with irritability. Victor was getting on his nerves by asking so many questions, indicating a lack of trust in them. They came here to help him, but he was still acting like a wife, full of doubts.

"No!" Victor shook his head and declared the word. He sensed Ares' bitterness and did not want to cause any problems; he was aware of his nature and knew his patience was limited.

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