A Confession

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I'm not lying, I'm his mate.....we are soulmates. How could he do something like this to me?!?

Please! Alex, please let me go or stop him! It is so painful...I can not take it anymore...my wolf is dying inside of me...Alex, please let me go.

Memories from her past life resurfaced in her mind, one by one. Her hand, which held the cigarette, trembled slightly. She puffed nervously, attempting to control herself; it was a difficult task.

She will never forget Marcus' actions towards her, no matter how long it has been.

Suddenly, her gaze was drawn to the sleeping figure on the bed. She blushed profusely as memories from a few hours ago played in her head. Her face flushed as a crimson colour crept up her cheeks and neck. She could not help but a smile stretched across her lips.

He was a virgin when they met, but now he knew her and her body like the back of his hand. She should protect her family from any lurking danger.

What if she told him she belonged to a clan that was despised not only by werewolves but also by humans?

In her opinion, he would not take it lightly. She remembered how, when she first told him she was a werewolf of omega rank, he did not believe her and even suspected her of fabricating the story to get rid of him.

She remembered that evening as clearly as if it had happened yesterday.

Seven years ago, when she finally decided to live with the human world, the first thing she did was enrol in a college to complete her education.

'St. Xavier Patterson College for Administration and Management was written on the massive structure. Between the bustling students, one figure was aggressively approaching a classroom, looking around as if he were looking for something or someone.

Olivia was in her classroom when the bell rang and announced her last class in Management was over. She was ready to return to her apartment, which she shared with her two other college friends.

As soon as she stepped out of the classroom, suddenly a force began to drag her toward an empty classroom by holding her forearm but not with too much force.

She was familiar with the man and the reasons, so she did not make a single move or noise to free herself from his grip. He shut the door behind them and turned around to face her. He caged her between the door and his body.

He was already invading her personal space, and now he has started pressing his body over her. His face was extremely close to her and his heavy breath was fanning over Olivia's face.

His lips were just inches away from hers. She peered into his eyes, which were filled with tears and pain. It demonstrated how deeply he was hurt by her behaviour.

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