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A pair of blue eyes stared back at her as if she were a ghost who had returned to hunt him

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A pair of blue eyes stared back at her as if she were a ghost who had returned to hunt him. However, her condition was the opposite; she was trembling with fear, and her legs quivered. She clutched the curtain beside her in her fist to keep herself from falling.

"Mate!" Nina mumbled again, shook her head, and refused to believe it. Meanwhile, the man stood at the door, darting at her like a deer caught in the headlights.


Olivia's inner screaming was not going to stop here; the weight of this new information was too much for her. She just gave him a nervous, sheepish smile and forgot to greet him in her confusion.

This was her first time meeting him in person, but she had heard a lot about his accomplishments and appearance. And, yes, he was quite the handsome man. A beautifully sculpted face and sharp features could easily make him the centre of attention on any occasion.

His body structure could intimidate anyone, let alone a weak girl like Olivia. He was six feet tall, had beautiful tanned skin, and the body of a Vogue model. No doubt, all of the she-wolves in the pack, mated or not, drool over him.

But why was his beautiful face conveying a completely different emotion? It was red, and anger swept through his mesmerizing blue eyes.


She was lost in her admiration for him when she was startled awake by the sound of the door being slammed shut. He had just left the room without saying anything to her, and she was standing there, darting at his retiring figure and feeling like a clown.

"Is this anger or denial?" she asked herself but received no response. She was hurt by Alpha's actions, and Nina howled with pain inside her.

What exactly did that mean? He did not want us?

She could not stop thinking and a sharp pain pierced her heart. After that, she did not hear from Alpha for the rest of the evening, and she returned to her lonely house like a lost puppy.

 After that, she did not hear from Alpha for the rest of the evening, and she returned to her lonely house like a lost puppy

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She decided not to return to Alpha's office the next morning to witness their arrogance or harshness. She finished her daily chores and was ready to go to the bookstore where she had been working for the past three years.

It belonged to Mrs Carter, who thanked the couple. Olivia and her father never went to bed hungry. But there was only one problem she had at the bookstore: their son Alex.

Alex and Olivia nearly grew up together, but she never liked him. In the early years, he was her biggest bully, constantly annoying her with various types of things. He was the reason Olivia was never able to form any kind of friendship within the pack. Of course, the reason for his actions was his devotion to their Alpha.

Uncle Carter was the pack's formal beta, and Alex meeting the current Alpha daily and becoming his best friend was quite an understatement.

Nevertheless, he had one of the most self-centred and loose personalities Olivia had ever encountered. Unfortunately, he was the pack's future beta.

With time, his irritated tricks evolved into harassment and insulting sexual slang. His lustful gaze never left her alone while she was working at the bookstore, and she was unable to say anything due to Mrs Carter. The couple was so helpful that a problem named Alex seemed minor.

Olivia pushed everything to the back of her mind, determined to make her day against the odds. But, as the saying goes, Think of the devil and the devil will appear. Alex was standing at her door as she opened it to leave the house.

"Alpha summoned you to his office" he threw words at her face without greeting her or showing her any respect.

Olivia glared at him and walked past him without saying anything, as no one was paying attention to a barking dog. She noticed a black car parked beside the pavement out of the corner of her eye.

She had only walked a few steps down the aisle when he grabbed her hair from behind and twisted her wrist painfully.

"I am not sure what is going on with you and Alpha.... bitch. But if he likes you, do not worry; he will get over you and throw you out like other girls. Then there is only one left, and that is me. So, fix your attitude around me," he hissed near her ear from behind, pointing to the luxurious car.

He released her from his grip, and the two of them walked toward the car. There was no place for protest, and they both knew it. She simply did not want to ride with an asshole but was left with no choice.

"You are really something, Oli...Alpha?! Huh!? You selected an Alpha as your prey. Best wishes; after all, you must rely on someone after your father's death, by any means. I hope he takes good care of you and gives you comfort at night...*haha. Notify me when he is finished with you," he remarked shamelessly to her, and she simply closed her eyes tightly to vent her anger.

Olivia wanted to punch him in the face, but she knew he was trying to get her to react. So he could use her actions against her, and she was ready to give him no chance, ignoring him like the plague. Her ignorance irritated him, but he kept driving and blabbering along the way.

When they arrived at Alpha's office, she discovered the same woman, 'Lillian,' sitting outside doing her chores. Alex and Lillian exchanged a knowing smirk, and Olivia could not help but roll her eyes.

Alex was roughly the same age as Alpha; he met his mate two years ago at the age of nineteen, and she was currently heavily pregnant for him, but he did not stop himself from whoring.

Olivia's heartbeat quickened as Alex opened the door and entered the office while she followed behind him. Nina became excited inside when she caught a strong whiff of her mate, or should we say their mate's delicious scent.

He was sitting behind the majestic table made of African Blackwood, dressed in a crisp black suit and looking as handsome as ever. He was preoccupied with work and did not notice Olivia's presence for five minutes. It hurt her a little because, as an Alpha, he could sniff her from a long distance, implying that he was ignoring her, which was another denial for Olivia.

"Wait outside, Alex," he ordered in his cold but velvety voice, not taking his gaze away from the computer screen. Alex obeyed instantly and bowed his head in respect before leaving.

Finally, he looked in her direction, and she held her breath. Fear surged through her body like an electric shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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