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( ⚠️WARNING: Mildly sensitive chapter)

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( ⚠️WARNING: Mildly sensitive chapter)

Olivia was sentenced to life in prison and committed to a mental institution. On the same day, Mr Bruce William, also known as her defense lawyer, was standing in the court gallery outside the courtroom after the case while the staff dragged Ovilia to the van.

He took the phone out of his pocket and immediately unlocked it to access the log category. There was a number registered under the name Monster.

The call record showed that the number had been dialed and received several times in the previous few days, with the most recent call occurring in the morning.

Mr William dialled the number with trembling hands and patiently waited for the other party to answer the phone. Finally, following the third ring, the line was connected.

"H-hello Mr Campbell. Sir, I finally completed the task today. I-I spare her from the death penalty. She even admits the crime," his voice was tinged with fear, and he stammered as he spoke on the phone.

"So...what? That is your job, Lawyer. What are your expecting... a Thank you? Ha," he did not even finish when a rough voice from the other end of the line interrupted him.

"No, no, no, Sir. It is about my daughter. Sir, I simply follow your instructions. Please release her now. She is innocent," he begged the man on the line for mercy. If it were not for his only daughter, he would never break his principles and deceive an innocent person.

"Of course, I will release her lawyer, but it will depend on how well you perform your next task. I have a new assignment for you. Bring me the gun summited as the 'WEAPON OF MURDERED' in court. You have three months to complete your new task, and I know you will do it because you love your daughter...*chuckle*," the man stated professionally and cut the line without waiting for an answer.

Mr William had no choice but to listen to him. He knew he had a new mission to complete, and he planned to do it as soon as possible for his daughter.

But his heart was heavy; he needed to apologize to Olivia and promise to do whatever he could to help her. He knew he had harmed an innocent person.

He did not want to do it, but when your house burns down, you do not consider saving the neighborhood. That was what wisdom advised.

Olivia had already lost everything, and he did not want to lose his daughter. Nonetheless, he wanted to help the poor soul one last time, so he planned to visit her as soon as he finished the current task.


A magnificent and beautiful building was located in the safest corner of the New Moon Pack, and it was known as Alpha Marcus' workplace. His office was on the thirty-sixth floor of the building.

Olivia had been in the asylum for two months, and things were not going well for Marcus either. The heat in his body began to take control of his mind, and he was losing his sanity with each passing day.

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