A Creature

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Far, far away, a kingdom covered in snow, but nothing else

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Far, far away, a kingdom covered in snow, but nothing else. The white blanket of snow covered every inch of houses, trees, and the magnificent castle, which was in quite bad condition.

Because of the cold, harsh weather, it was difficult to grow anything in the kingdom, which is why there were few living things.

For the past three decades, some creatures have called the old castle over the hill home. They did not enjoy living there but were forced to accept their fate.

The castle was as old as time and as fragile as a house of cards. It was waiting for its day to end in ruin amid snowstorms.

"Peter! Peter!--Peter!," exclaimed a half-dead creature lying on his bed, summoning his butler. He had a permanent frown on his face and an irritated tone.

His voice echoed throughout the castle, and though the other residents listened, they paid no attention to him.

After what seemed like an eternity, an elderly man taking baby steps entered his room.

"Y-ye-yes, Master!" he responded to the creature submissively, bowing his head and not looking at him. He was aware that his slow steps were delaying his approach to his master, which must have enraged him.

"Bring me a goblet of blood. Get moving!" The creature barked his order at the elderly man, who obeyed without complaint. He watched Peter exit the room with baby steps. He could not help but roll his eyes and sigh in frustration.

He looked out the window and saw nothing but endless plains covered in white, dull snow. He once ruled the entire southern region and intimidated half of the realm, but now he was banished to the Western kingdom and forced to live in an old castle with some ungrateful bastards.

He was the first vampire Hades (the former king of hell) to be created. He was the vampire clan's successor, and his dream was to bring back the era when they were feared by all other creatures. He had been waiting for an opportunity to strike for years.

However, for the past five years, he had been only surviving for his existence.

His presence on this planet was centuries old, but he had never experienced such difficult times as the last thirty years.

After losing a war to legendary werewolf king Aaron, he signed a treaty, and one of its clauses prohibited him from ever setting foot on werewolf territory. Currently, the werewolf clan owns more than half of the world.

And here he was, bound to his bed and powerless to act. His body began to decay over the last five years due to a lack of fresh blood. Worms inhabited half of the body and crawled everywhere as they took a free tour.

The odour around him was foul and unbearable, making the entire castle air toxic. People who used to kiss his feet no longer pass through the hallway near his room. They never stopped to glance at him.

Sitting alone in a dark room, he counted the days until he vanished from Earth's surface.

Half an hour later...

"Here... it is the Master's goblet of blood," Peter announced as he entered the room. He pushed the cart toward his Master.

The creature sighed deeply and took a goblet filled with blood from the cart. Some worms fell into the blood on his hand, but he did not care. He gulped down the content, but a frown appeared on his face.

"What is this!? Again, a seal preserved blood, huh!? I am sick of all of this!!"

The creature lost his temper and hurled the goblet at his butler. Peter ducked just in time, and the goblet hit the wall behind him, falling to the ground with a clank, but the action made Peter tremble with fear.

"S-so-sorry Master, but we are out of human blood," the poor old man apologised for nothing. Even though the castle housed nearly fifty people, he was the only one in charge of serving The Master.

Because it was difficult to be in such a disgusting environment while also dealing with Master's temper.

"And where is Elijah, that lazyass? I have been starving for the last week. Call him, if I do not get food by dawn. I will eat you up, Peter!" The creature threatened sternly, gritting his teeth.

Peter's eyes widened in fear as he heard his master's warning. His legs quivered as he knelt on the ground.

"H-hav-have m-marcy My Lord, I have been serving you for the past three centuries," Peter begged his master to spare him. Meanwhile, he heard some roars, which made Peter smile.

"He is here...Elijah has arrived!!" Peter chirped as he dragged his baby steps up to the window and peered out.

A beautiful white dragon flew over the castle's roof, near the creature's window. He bowed his head to greet the creature through the window, clutching a dead lamb in its mouth.

"Elijah brings food for you, Master; allow me to fetch it."

By claiming, Peter bowed his head and left. In a few minutes, he arrived at the patio and received lamb from Elijah.

As he turned his back, the dragon growled at him and emitted smoke from his nostrils. Peter was perplexed by his actions and examined him thoroughly.

"Listen, you asshat, I bring this only for Master; if anyone else tries to take a piece from it, I will chew your head and burn them alive," the dragon warned in a heavy and groggy voice before flying away toward his cave.

Elijah was a massive white dragon tamed by the creature; he was around a thousand years old, neither too young nor too old. A black collar with spikes was fastened around its neck, with the master's name engraved on it.

Peter took the lamb into the kitchen. He cleaned it up, skinned it, and squeezed the blood. He quickly prepared dinner for his master. He had finished arranging all of the food on a tray and was about to leave the kitchen when a cold silky voice interrupted him.

"Hmm, I can smell some fresh meat and blood, old man; did Elijah bring food for us?"

Amanda, his Master's fiancée, was standing at the kitchen door, blocking his path. Her mouth watered at the aroma of freshly prepared dinner. She attempted to snatch the tray he had prepared for the creature.

"This is for the Master, not for you. You stuffed yourself with a seal last night. Master has not eaten in a week; let me go. Do not be too cruel to the man who saves us all," Peter reasoned with her, looking at the woman with hopeful eyes, but the woman's grimace deepened.

"That man deserved to rot in hell. We are all stuck in this horrible place because of him. If he just did not believe that traitor, we would live a lavish life; it was all his fault," she charged, gritting her teeth. She summoned some of her subordinates with a loud call and snatched the food. In a nick, she left the kitchen with the tray, leaving a badly beaten Peter behind.

The creatures, sitting on his bed, were aware of everything that had happened in the kitchen. He was only losing his body, but his abilities and powers were as good as ever.

Even from the hill, he could hear the sound of a dropped pin. He was furious to hear the accusation from the woman who once claimed to love him more than anything in the world.

At midnight, the moonlight shone on the snow, making it appear like crystals. A carriage flying by seven unicorns landed at the castle gate.

A handsome man in a black suit with a heavenly aura climbed down from the carriage. He extended his hand and bowed his head to show respect for the woman inside.

The woman grabbed his hand and climbed out of the carriage. She walked toward the castle gate and touched the nameplate with her fingertips.



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