A Deal

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The woman who brushed her fingertips across the nameplate was none other than the Moon Goddess herself

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The woman who brushed her fingertips across the nameplate was none other than the Moon Goddess herself. She arrived at her sworn enemy's doorstep to make a deal with him. The man was on the verge of death and desperate for life, an ideal situation to approach him.

She pierced through the castle entrance, a smirk spreading across her face as she discovered no one there to greet her. The castle was dark and quiet, similar to a ruin, but it brought back many memories for Goddess, who shrugged off the nostalgic feeling.

She could feel the fear in the air, and it filled her heart with pride and arrogance. Except for two, the castle's fifty residents cowered in the corner, terrified by her heavenly powerful aura.

Peter and his Master, Lord Victor Lambert.

She walked slowly down the hallway, which was filled with an awful smell. The man in the black suit followed closely behind her, followed by four other men dressed as worriers who had a casket slung over their shoulders.

As Peter was on his knees before his master, pleading with him to pardon him for not being able to serve him dinner this evening, he sensed a strong, lively energy emanating from the lobby.

He recognised it instantly, and he knew his master felt the parson's presence far better than he did.

"Go and entertain her; let me know what she wants. I am not in the mood to be a laughing stock or a source of entertainment for her," Peter rose from the ground, nodded in agreement, and then turned around to obey his master's orders.

He legged out of the room to find a stunning woman with flawless skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes standing at the door. She was an alluring beauty, without a doubt. She was the one who could satisfy any man's desires while also maintaining her elegance. She was a perfect blend of beauty, power, and intelligence.

However, she did not affect Peter. He was more loyal to his master than to her beauty. As a result, he stood facing her and closed the door behind him, blocking the entrance to the room.

"What do you want, Goddess? You are aware of the master's condition and still choose to humiliate him by gracing him with your presence and your Dogs,"

His manners were cold as he confronted the Goddess. He was familiar with the man in the black suit Ares. The first werewolf Moon goddess ever created.

The endearment spitting out of his mouth earned him some growls from the visitors. Their fangs and claws were visible as their eyes darkened; however, Peter's fangs were also on display as his eyes turned red.

Goddess raised his hand and gestured to the wolves to control their rage, and they complied, but Peter remained in the same phase. Ares considered it an insult and was ready to tear him apart.

"Let me meet him, Peter. I have come all the way here for the benefit of your Master. Do not be a barrier, and leave my way," the Goddess demanded in a dominating voice and attempted to intimidate Peter, but it did not affect him. He was simply glued to his position, bored.

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