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Olivia's hands trembled while holding the pregnancy stick. Never in her wildest dreams did she have such a thought, but what did you expect when you went out with your husband without protection?

Nathan did not use protection, and she forgot to take her pills despite Marcus' threat. And the outcome terrified her. How would she deal with this 'Life' in these circumstances?

A few days ago, she had a strange feeling about her health. Nonetheless, Mrs. Foster advised her not to visit the doctor after a brief examination. She then suggested she get a pregnancy test.

Mrs Foster began to warm up to her one month ago when she delivered the letter from Mr William. Olivia frequently experienced dizziness after taking medication and was unsure how to respond when the doctor called her in for an examination.

Mrs Foster, on the other hand, guided her throughout her interactions with the doctor, so she received no additional 'treatment'. She changed her medicine to include some nutrients so Olivia could regain some health, and it was effective.

Mrs Foster repeatedly asked her to respond to Mr William, but Olivia lacked the courage to trust him anymore. However, she was considering whether it was time to change her mind.

She decided to take this new life inside her and flee far away and find a corner of the world where Marcus never discovered any evidence of her existence.

She would try to live peacefully in her new life, remembering Nathan and Megan. Perhaps her luck held out this time, and she never had to face Marcus again. Her eyes welled up with tears again as she thought of her happy family.

During these months, she could not stop thinking about their memories. She missed them, her family, and her home, and she could not stop blaming herself for what had happened.

"It is all my fault," she muttered to herself, burying her head in her knee and shaking it helplessly. She was lost in thought when the soft knock on the room door drew her attention. Mrs Foster opened the door with her key and entered without waiting for her permission.

" is...?" She inquired immediately after entering the room with a tray of food in her hand. Her face wrinkled with concern as she stared at her sceptically.

"Positive!" Olivia replied softly, her voice low. She felt defeated and had no choice but to compromise her self-esteem to seek assistance from that person.

"Bring me a paper and pen, please, Mrs. Foster," she finally decided to write back to Mr. Williams and escape this hellhole. She just hoped it would not be too late, so she needed to get started on this as soon as possible.

"Of course...child, I will help you as much as I can. Finish your food and medicine, and I will be back in a few minutes," Mrs Foster confirmed, placing the tray in her hands over the table. We never made eye contact during the entire conversation.

Three cameras were installed in her room after she pulled off the little stunt of puking the medicine. They became stricter with her after that incident.

Mrs Foster proposed the idea of talking to each other without making eye contact and in a low voice so they could not detect anything. She realized Marcus had been using these cameras to keep an eye on her all along.

She finished her food quickly and took her medication. Mrs Forster returned to her room and began cleaning it. A moment later, she took the bin out and then returned it after cleaning it.

She then picked up my food tray and exited the room. As soon as she stepped out of the room, the lights went out and the room became pitch-black, which presented Ollivia with an opportunity.

She quietly searched for the bin in the dark and was successful on her first attempt. After having lived in the room for the previous two months, she found it easy.

She opened the bin and took out the contents while pretending to throw a napkin into it and carefully conceal it in her clothes.

She touched them and discovered a small pen, a small notepad, and a toy torch. She carried these items to the bed and hid under the cover.

She discovered that the camera could film in the dark, so she disguised herself with pillows while lying on the bed and rolled under it. She could not do it in the restroom; security would brag if she took two minutes longer than usual.

She took the latter given by Mr William from beneath the mattress and attempted to read it with the small light. She despised that person so much that she refused to even open the letter's seal from the day it arrived.

Finally, she tore it open and attempted to read the contents using the torch's low flashlight.

Dear Ms. Hart

I know I am not in a position to write an apology letter for everything I have done to you. But all I want to do is to acknowledge my side of the story, Ma'am. In this situation, I felt equally helpless as you. My sixteen-year-old daughter was kidnapped, and I was forced to take your case for you to be admitted to this mental institution.

But I wanted to make amends for my mistakes by assisting you in breaking free from That Monster's grasp. I have already planned everything, and I just need your help. Mrs Foster will direct your path. Please get back to me when you are ready.

A sinner asks for forgiveness.
Dear Mr. Bruce Williams,

She rolled her eyes at his apology, but he was correct; she needed to get out of there. As a result, she picked up the pen and wrote with determination.

'At full moon.'

She placed the note in the same envelope and left everything under the bed. She avoided repeating her actions out of fear of being caught.

She carefully slipped under the covers and tried to fall asleep. The full moon was the day after tomorrow, and she hoped to regain her freedom.

Mrs. Foster took the note out of the room while cleaning the next morning, leaving Olivia to hope that everything went as planned.

 Foster took the note out of the room while cleaning the next morning, leaving Olivia to hope that everything went as planned

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On a full moon night in M.C Hospital and Medical Help,

Olivia was ready to leave the room. Mrs Foster had already informed her that a car would be waiting for her outside the hospital's gate. They planned for Mrs Foster to turn off the power and cameras for thirty minutes, and Olivia took advantage of the opportunity to escape the hospital.

She waited patiently for a gesture but was nervous. She had a feeling something bad was about to happen.

There was an unexpected movement at the door, and her heart sank in her stomach as it opened. The Monster and his minions stood at the door.

"Did You Miss Me... Oli?" he approached her with a sadistic smile and asked in a soft tone. Her soul had left her body, and she was numb with fear.

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