His Son

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After sending the woman away, Lillian was waiting for Alpha's call for a while

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After sending the woman away, Lillian was waiting for Alpha's call for a while. She was getting anxious with every passing minute since there was so much peace inside.

The silence inside the office bothered her; over the last few years, she had frequently witnessed thrashing objects and broken glass sounds as a result of this type of behavior.

Maybe his wolf was much more under his control now, and only 'Olivia' could be the reason for this adaptation, Lillian was confident.

Marcus walked out of his office as fast as light, and a famine voice tried to stop him from behind.

"Alpha...Alpha... The Alpha of the western region, who has been at odds with us over his territory for the past three years, is finally willing to talk about it. "I scheduled a meeting for this event at your favorite Italian restaurant in the evening," she chirped as soon as she saw the Alpha emerge from his office.

Marcus, on the other hand, was in a hurry and paced toward the elevator, ignoring her words while Lillian blabbed something behind him.

"Not now...Lillian, My son is the most important thing to me. "I am going back to the Castle and postponing every appointment until the next order," Marcus informed her in a harsh Alpha tone, prompting her submission. His voice was filled with irritation and anxiety.

"Yes, A-Alpha," she bowed her head and replied softly. Fear was present in both her voice and her eyes. She worked hard for this, and all she wanted was for her superior to pat her on the back. She was disappointed, but she analyzed the situation carefully.

Nothing was more important to Alpha Marcus than 'His Son,' not even his obsession with 'Olivia,' and this was the absolute truth. Everyone in the pack was aware of this fact.

He boarded the elevator; she was standing outside the VIP elevator, watching the door close.

In a flash, he hopped into his black sports car and drove straight to his castle's 'Eastern Wing'.

Meanwhile, in the Eastern wing of Alpha Marcus' castle, a seven-year-old boy lay on his queen-sized bed, clutching a photo frame in his small arms and keeping it close to his chest.

A group of healers and the head butler stand beside him, encircling the bed. Mrs Lin, his babysitter, was standing beside a trolley, holding a tray containing a bowl of rice porridge.

One of the healers dipped a white gauze in cold water and placed it on the little boy's forehead, attempting to alleviate the burning fever.

And it worked; the boy finally opened his eyes and looked around. He felt much better than before.

"I do not want to eat anything, Mrs. Lin..... I am not hungry," the boy said meekly as his babysitter tried to feed him a little. The little boy became conscious a while ago, but he refused to eat anything.

Marcus arrived at the Castle after a half-hour drive and parked in the garage. He walked through the luxurious hallway and climbed upstairs. He walked quickly to the third floor's second room.

Every maid and servant bowed their heads and greeted him in the corridor leading to his son's room, but he did not respond.

Meanwhile, his ears were busy picking up the music coming from the Northern Wing. As a powerful wolf, he was highly sensitive to sounds, smells, and tastes.

All of the healers and maids who were summoned inside the room turned pale as soon as they sensed a vibrant energy approaching.

"Alpha is here," the words slipped from the head butler's mouth unexpectedly, and the little boy's eyes widened in terror.

When the door to the room swung open, the healers flinched slightly, as did the boy. They cleared the way for Alpha to approach his son's bed, and he walked hesitantly toward it.

"How are you feeling, champ?" Marcus invited the young boy with hesitation, using a soft and sweet voice. Whatever happened six months ago traumatized not only the boy, but also Marcus. He did not want to scare his son any further.

"I-I-I'm fine fa-father," the boy stammered as he responded to his father fearfully. He wanted to approach his father with courage but failed miserably.

Marcus reached out to touch his head and examine his fever. However, the little boy flinched back slightly, hyperventilating in fear and enlarging his eyes. The action was unintentional and subconscious.

But Marcus felt like his heart had shattered into a million pieces. He was a monster who fed on other people's fear, but the fear in his son's eyes tore his heart out.

"Fa-fa-father can you f-feed m-me? Please!" the little boy begged his father, who stood beside his bed with a disappointed expression. He summoned all of his courage to ask Marcus for a favour.

He realized that his father loved him and that one mistake could not define his character. He was willing to give him a chance.

Marcus' eyes lit up with hope as soon as the words entered his mind. He looked at him with surprise and delight.

"Of course, champ....why not?" He agreed in a sweet voice; nearly half a year later, his son requested something from him, and he was willing to do anything to grant his wish.

"Hand me over the bowl and scram!," he ordered Mrs. Lin and everyone else present in the room to leave them alone. He kept his tone low around his son, but it was full of authority.

In a matter of seconds, the space became vacant, leaving the two souls to mingle with one another.

"You know, champ I have got good news for you. Your mother is almost cured and soon she will join us and we will live like a family," Marcus announced while feeding him rice porridge. He wiped his face with a napkin and handed him a glass of water to drink from.

"Really!? Father, is this true? Mother will be with us. I will be a good son and never let her go...Father," the excited little boy tweeted as soon as he set down the glass of water.

The news was overwhelming for him. He struggled to believe this information. He jumped up from his seat and clapped his hands in delight.

"Yes, champ....and all you need to do is take your medicine and get well soon so you can be with her. We will go for a run tomorrow, and you have to show me that you are healthy enough to meet your mother," Marcus said softly, allowing the boy to enjoy his fantasy. He was looking at his son's happy face and bright smile, which had returned after a long time in his presence.

"Yes, father, let us go for a run," the little boy bravely agreed to his plan. He wanted to take him out for a run to see if the trauma was still present. His heart swelled with pride as his son bravely agreed.

He soon gave him some medicine and patted him to sleep. The little boy fell asleep while embracing the frame with one arm and clasping his father's arm with the other.

A few minutes later, he discovered the boy was fast asleep. He pulled out the frame from his grasp. He glanced at the picture, and a warm smile spread across his face.

It was his only picture with Olivia. He still remembered the day they took this picture. She was beaming brightly, unlike him, who had a grumpy expression on his face.

Marcus did not want his son to be born; he was concerned about his birth. Regardless, he accepted the fact that he was a father. The boy gradually became his everything. He was like sunshine in his dark life.

He realized that the boy's birth mother, 'Catherine,' was a power-hungry bitch who would never shower him with love and affection. When he was three years old, he decided to fill his head with lies and frequently inquired about his mother.

He had no regrets about doing anything for his son's happiness, and soon his son and Olivia would be with him as a family, making him the happiest person in the world.

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