An Advice

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The next morning, Marcus awoke with a severe headache after the sun shone directly over her face

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The next morning, Marcus awoke with a severe headache after the sun shone directly over her face. He was still dizzy from the effects of the drugs.

His phone rang, and he glanced at the screen. Before he could press the accept button, the ringing stopped. He picked up his phone and discovered thirty-eight missed calls from Alex. He rolled his eyes and put his phone down.

"No!!...not again...," he complained in frustration as he looked around. The entire room was littered with fragments of poor cushions.

*Ring!! Ring!!

Once again, he was alerted by the sound of a ring, but this time it was his room's intercom. The realization hit him, and he rushed to pick up the intercom.

"Morning Champ... what is up buddy?" he chirped on the phone as soon as the line was connected. It could only be 'Asher' because no one dared to press the Alpha room code without permission.

" promise to run," Asher gathered all of his courage to dial his father's room code. Finally, he successfully delivered the message and patiently waited for a response.

"Of course, Champ, let's meet in the East Garden, near the wood's starting point. Just a few minutes and I will be there," Marcus cheerfully responded to Asher's request. He was relieved that their relationship had returned to what it had been before 'THAT' incident.

Marcus rushed through his morning routine and arrived at the predetermined location.

The first thing he noticed was his son's radiant smile, and he smiled back at Asher, despite his head throbbing with pain.

"Liam, stay back and remain in control," he warned his wolf authoritatively. They were about to transform into wolves for the 'RUN,' so a warning had to be given.

"OF COURSE, I WILL UNTIL YOU KEEP YOUR PROMISE....," his wolf snarled at him with equal ferocity. Within a second, he was standing next to Asher, ruffling his hair. This gave Asher a sense of security, and relief filled his eyes.

Mr. Brown, his nanny Mrs. Lin, and a couple of maids stand beside them. They all bowed their heads to greet their Alpha.

Asher began removing his clothes, and within a few seconds, he heard bone cracking and growling. Asher transformed into a two-foot-tall and stunning jet-black wolf. His eyes have gold rings around the iris, just like his father's.

Marcus was filled with pride and joy over his son's achievement. He was only a puppy, but he was more powerful and attractive than his age indicated.

It was a difficult task for a seven-year-old to SHIFT, but his son did it effortlessly. Asher bent his head in his father's direction to express his gratitude before beginning the race.

It was customary to let the younger wolf take the lead.

Marcus transformed into an eight-foot-tall jet-black wolf in a heartbeat, and his growling echoed throughout the pack, woods, and valley, warning outcasts to stay within their limits.

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