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She screamed in her head, feeling as if her every nightmare had come true.

She had already lost her family, happiness, and peace; she did not want to lose her sanity. She did not want to be a puppet for that monster. Death was far better than this.

"I did not do anything, Sir please! listen to me, Sir. I did nothing, I am innocent. I did not kill my family; Nathen and Megan deserve justice...Sir, please. I did not kill them," she screamed at the top of her lungs, thrashing and wriggling to free herself from the grip of one cop while the other handcuffed her from behind and dragged her out of court.

The judge looked at her as if she were insane. His eyes were filled with pity and pain.

They dragged her out of court and into the parking lot, where a van from the mental asylum was waiting.

She was engulfed by a wave of journalists on the court's stairs. However, she paid no attention to their pointless questions.

She searched her surroundings for her dear lawyer, but he was nowhere to be found. "Good!" she murmured to herself when she did not see him. His betrayal enraged her to the point where she was ready to kill him on sight.

They arrived at the parking quickly. Officers, assisted by medical personnel, stuffed Olivia into the van. She noticed the van, and M.C. Hospital was written on it in bold letters, implying that she was going to receive special treatment.

She peered out the window of the van again, hoping to catch sight of her lawyer to curse him one last time.

Finally, she discovered him standing behind a pillar in the court's gallery, looking anxious and nervous as he was speaking to someone on the phone.

Nonetheless, she knew he would find her again; he would left a trail of questions in her head, and she deserved answers.

The van began to move as soon as the officers and staff had settled into their seats. They were whispering and giving her a heated look all the way, but now she did not care what people thought about her.

She climbed out of the van as they arrived. Her heart sank in her stomach, and her body trembled violently as if her legs refused to support her weight. She could collapse at any time when the building came into view.

M.C. Hospital was a magnificent building with numerous wings, floors, and blocks.

They dragged her toward the Eastern Wing, then turned to the second block, shoved her into an elevator, and pressed the button for the third floor.

In a blink, they arrived on the third floor, which resembled a prison with various cells. A couple of doctors and a few staff members, including nurses and ward boys, were already present in the corridor.

A table was set up in a corner, and the doctors were performing their routine examination on a female criminal who was sitting beside them in a chair and seemed to be normal just like her.

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