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The scene outside the car window was quite terrifying

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The scene outside the car window was quite terrifying. They parked in the parking lot and dragged her towards a red brick building.

As soon as she got out of the car, a crowd of reporters surrounded her with microphones and began asking her a series of disgusting questions.

"How do you feel after killing your husband and daughter?"

"What is your relationship with Mr. Bruce William?"

"The famous lawyer who does not have time for celebrities.....accepting your case for free?"

"Is he your lover, Ms. Hart?"

Such questions made her very uncomfortable, and she could feel her stomach churning with disgust. With their behavior, she was expecting to puke anytime soon.

Nonetheless, she remained composed and held her head high. She did not need to explain anything to these lowly beings who never respected her privacy.

She was getting angrier by the minute, and it was clear on her face.

"Why do not you ask that lawyer, sir? I am just as curious as you. She decided to respond to the reporter who inquired about her relationship with Mr William," she would had enough of their audacity.

Before she could retort further, a group of men in bodyguard uniforms began pushing back the journalists while also protecting her.

She was taken aback; where had they come from? She looked around, and her gaze fell on Mr. Williams, who stood far away in the gallery. He gestured for her to remain calm by showing his palm.

The bodyguards and cops dragged her to the gallery, from where Bruce led her to an empty room while cops guarded them all around.

"May I discuss some aspects with my client officers?" he appealed to the two cops with a sheepish smile and patiently waited for their permission.

"Okay, just for a few minutes, Mr. Williams," one of the officers responded in a monotone, and they left the room, followed by the bodyguards.

"What the hell is this, Mr Williams?Why are these reporters asking me such disgusting questions?" she yelled at him when they were alone in the room.

She wanted to grab his caller and question him, but this was not the right time.

"I did not know about it either Ms. Hart. It could just be a rumour, and I apologize if it bothers you so much, which is why I am requesting a private trial-"

"-And let me tell you that I am going to prove you are a drug addict with a lot of mental health issues-"

"-Because this is the only way to save you from a life sentence. Ms. Hart, every forensic report is against you. It is impossible to prove you innocent even if I wanted to," he said, confirming that it was the best plan he would come up with, but she was very upset about it. She could not understand him anymore.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why do you want me to prove a mental disorder or a psychopath, and how will this help me in my situation, Mr. Williams? Could you please explain this to me? she defined her doubt and sarcastically demanded explanations.

She observed how his facial expressions changed from confident to nervous.

He seemed anxious as he gulped down his saliva, and he could not think of anything to say to her. On the other hand, she waited impatiently for her explanations.

"So you want to rot in prison for the rest of your life? Fine, Ms. Hart. congratulations! It is your decision and I am quitting if you do not believe me even a little bit-"

"-But let me advise you, Ms Hart, that while it may be possible for you to leave the mental asylum or rehab center someday, you will not be able to leave life imprisonment-"

"-I am assisting you because I pity you. Goodbye, Ms. Hart; I believe you can handle your case without a lawyer," he remarked in a cold tone as he began to walk towards the door. Her hopes were crushed with each step he took.

She felt alone, and every word he said to her began to echo in her head.

"Stop! Mr. William, I am sorry. I should not doubt you, but I can not believe there was a free lunch in this world. I agree with your terms and will do as you say. "I want to get out of here," she whispered with all her helplessness, assuring him of her decision, but her logic warned her not to trust this man.

And the reason was that she could not avenge her family until she got out and brought them to justice. It was a desperate need in a dire situation.

The man came to a stop when he heard her voice and turned to face her. He had a smirk on his lips and an arrogant expression on his face, which she ignored because she was the one in need.

"Good, Ms. Hart. You have finally found your brain. Now while sitting in front of the jury and the Judge, please keep your mouth shut and let me do my job," he said professionally, annoyed. His eyes were cold as he walked toward the door, motioning for her to follow him.

Two officers from earlier, along with the bodyguards, were stationed outside the door. The officers walked beside her as they dragged her upstairs for a private trial.

They took her to another room, and after a while, the Judge called her case.

The officer trailed behind her as they almost pushed her into the courtroom. She was taken aback by the situation; despite the fact that it was a private trial, 'The gallery' was packed with guests.

The four different people, along with the Mayor of the city, sat in 'The Jury Box,' while 'The Bench' was empty.

The officers took her to the accusation box and removed her handcuffs. They stand by her side as guards, allowing her to seize the chair. A microphone was installed in the box above a shelf so she could say her part.

The clerk and court reporter are also seated with their laptops, ready to record every movement in the courtroom.

Mr. William seized the defender's table, and the public prosecutor took the plaintiff's table.

She was busy observing her surroundings when everyone rose from their seats. It implied that when the Judge entered the courtroom, he took his seat on 'The Bench'.

She followed court etiquette and rose from her seat in respect for the judge. Everyone sat down as the Judge took his seat.

Finally, the trial began......

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