An Uneasy Feeling

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(A/N: Some names are used as endearments or nicknames for characters, so do not be confused.
For example, instead of 'Johnathan', I used 'Nathan', 'Megan' was 'Bubblegum', and 'Olivia' was 'Oli' and 'Lia'.

It is not necessarily, but I used it because it is human nature to call someone special with special names...these endearments only show their bonding and love.


In the world of the rich and powerful, a normal and mediocre person had no chance to defend himself or herself, and Olivia held a white envelope as proof

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In the world of the rich and powerful, a normal and mediocre person had no chance to defend himself or herself, and Olivia held a white envelope as proof. The company fired her without providing an adequate explanation or notice.

She was fully aware of what was happening, but she did not give a fuck. This was the company where she had worked for the previous seven years, and they had treated her like trash. The action disappointed and infuriated her.

After giving her boss the middle finger, she stormed out of his office, gathering her belongings from her desk before leaving the building.

They didn't deserve an ounce of respect when they decided to sell their souls for money.

She threw the carton into a dumpster near her office building and took a cab home. The memories of the earlier event in her boss's office kept her sane throughout. She quickly arrived at her house.

It was her heaven.

It was a small, two-story building amid the row houses. The house was cosy and inviting, perfect for a small family of three. The well-groomed garden in the front yard never failed to provide a caring vibe.

As the door opened, a small figure dashed towards her, wrapping her chubby arm around her legs and engulfing her in a bear hug.

Olivia saw her as a treasure trove and the source of her happiness. Her daughter, Megan. Her single smile could brighten the darkest of days.

"Mama, Mama!" How was your day?" Megan inquired in her baby voice.

"It is fine, Bubblegum; Mama will be able to play with you all day," Olivia said sweetly. Bubblegum was not only an endearment, but Megan's second name, which her father chose. Because she was as sweet and delicate as bubblegum.

Megan giggled at her mother's words as if she understood the underlying meaning.

"Wow! That is so cool," she exclaimed, a big grin spreading across her face as Olivia picked her up and led her inside.

She searched the entire area for someone, but her attention was drawn to someone in the kitchen, who was covered in flour. He smiled warmly at her, instantly softening her heart.

Olivia helped Megan sit in her baby chair near the kitchen island before approaching him. She kissed him on the lips, but what started as a simple kiss quickly evolved into a sensational make-out.

She began to feel guilty about what happened at work that day, so she pushed him slightly. He took the hint and let her go free.

She knew it was not her fault and that she should not have felt that way, but she still felt bad about allowing another man to touch her inappropriately.

She wanted to talk about what happened in her boss's office with Johnathan. He was a dream husband and the love of her life, and she could not bear the thought of losing him.

"What happened?" he inquired, worried. His face twisted with confusion, and his tone expressed concern, which was understandable given that she had never pushed him this hard before.

"Nothing! I am just tired," she assured him, trying to hide her guilt. She eventually noticed the bowl sitting on the shelf. The batter he was making for a pie was nearly finished.

"You worked hard!" she complimented softly, expressing her delight. She tidied the Nutella on his cheek with her fingertips before putting it in her mouth seductively.

"And I need a reward for this," he insisted, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, placing his chin on left her shoulder, and seductively nibbling her lobe. She gave a shy nod of agreement, her ears heating up and turning red.

She looked around the kitchen island but did not see Megan. Olivia assumed she would depart for her room. Olivia knew she could not put up with her parents' affectionate behaviour.

"Go freshen up; dinner will be served soon," Nathan told her, winking at her and smiling broadly. She then left in quiet agreement. She had climbed the stairs and was about to enter their bedroom when she decided to check on Megan.

She moved her feet toward Megan's room. As she opened the door, she saw a busy child sitting on the study desk, colouring in one of her favourite sketchbooks, her colours splattered all over the table.

"So, Bubblegum, why did you just leave the kitchen?" Olivia inquired gleefully. Despite knowing the answer, she preferred to hear it from her daughter.

"Mama! Papa! Megan twisted her face in disgust and responded without looking Olivia in the eyes. She did not even bother turning her head or glancing at her. Olivia laughed aloud because the action was so cute.

"Oh! Bubblegum, you are so adorable," she stated between giggles. She gently pinched her chubby cheeks and hugged her daughter tightly. She kissed Megan's forehead before leaving her room.

Olivia had an uneasy feeling as she left her room as if something bad would happen to her Bubblegum.

But she was adamant about not allowing anyone to hurt her.

She ignored the feeling and went to her bedroom. She needed a long bath to clear her mind. She opened her closet and pulled out a pink pyjama set.

She quickly removed her office attire and entered the shower. She tried to relax her mind with warm water, but Marcus' warnings echoed in her head like a broken record.

Two days, I'll give you two days to make a decision. After that, I'll come and claim what is rightfully mine.


I'll kill him surely kill him.

All of this sent shivers down her spine, and a terrible feeling overtook her. She was well aware of Marcus' achievements.

The Alpha of the New Moon pack and the entire southern region always kept his promises. She quickly finished her business, changed into her clothes, and exited the bedroom.

She was climbing down the stairs into the hallway when she collided with a powerful chest, and he cradled her in his arms.

"Hey! Not here honey. Bubblegum will find us," she protested playfully as she removed his hand from her ass.

"Okay, fine, but first promise me, my reward," Nathan said with a goofy grin.

"Okay, promise" she assured, and his eyes lit up like a toddler who had received his favorite candy. He let her go by relaxing his grip on her and kissing her forehead.

"Take your seat at the dining table; I will call Bubblegum and join you soon," he said, quickly turning to Megan's room. Olivia was climbing down the stairs when she noticed the photo frames on the stairwell wall, each filled with memories.

They have spent the last seven years recording, framing, and hanging all of their special memories on this wall.

Standing on the staircase, she looked around; the comfortable atmosphere and the joy of being loved by someone felt like a dream.

However, the thought that when she opened her eyes, everything would vanish into thin air lingered in her mind.


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