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(⚠️Warning: Violence Act )

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(⚠️Warning: Violence Act )

Olivia was taken aback when Marcus appeared at her cell door with his signature devilish smirk. He took a few slow steps towards her, like a predator about to devour his prey.

She took a few precautionary steps back in defense before coming to a halt against a wall. He had her trapped between the wall and his body, staring dead seriously into her eyes without blinking once.

"The fear in your eyes shows that you still remember me, Oli!... The treatment is not as effective as I expected, right?" he spoke sweetly, but the venom dripped from his words. Olivia was terrified, but she said nothing; her throat was dry with fear.

A frown spread across his face as he began sniffing the air around her; he was furious with the outcome, and Olivia understood why.

He was a wolf who could detect a slight change in her scent. He could tell easily that she was with a child and it was not from him.

"How dare you, Olivia?" How come you still have it? You should terminate it as soon as you find out... Well, we are not late, so let us do it now," he commented harshly, dragging her out of the room by her forearm. She thrashed like a rag doll in his arms, but he was dead serious about his decision and would not let her keep it. She was attempting to free herself from his grip.

"No, never; please leave me and my child alone," she was wiggling in his hand, desperately trying to speak. The last thing she wanted from Marcus was for him to ruin her last chance.

During the struggle, she bit Marcus' hand, and he lost control of her. She seized the opportunity and immediately hid under the bed.

"Get HeR out!!" he directed his subordinates, his voice firm and authoritative. The duel sound indicated that his wolf was about to die, and they could not refuse their Alpha order.

Alex moved forward and squatted on the floor. He reached out his hand to grab Olivia, but she backed away into a corner. He extended his arm slightly and successfully grabbed her ankle.

He drew her from under the bed by pulling her ankle. Marcus yanked her hair and lifted her off the ground before she could react.

He held her hair in a fist and drew her head back, pinching her jaw with the other hand. His grip on her jaw was so firm that his nails dug into her skin; in the meantime, his hot breath fanned across her face, and she noticed the golden rims around his blue irish.

"You will never learn to obey, huh!? Why are you always doing things the hard way, Oli? When you realize you can not hide anything from that pathetic human..." he aserrted with a fit of rage.

"We have my son 'Asher' with us. We are both your family from now on... and if you want more, we can have our own...just GET RID OF IT!" he exclaimed, his voice close to her ears. As a result, their words were the only ones they shared. He made another attempt to drag her out of the room.

Nonetheless, she was not going to give up this time; she was ready to fight tooth and nail, with everything she had.

"!! Just leave me alone, MONSTER," she yelled with all of her remaining courage, hoping he would understand her pain. As stupid as her expecting a miracle rather than understanding her misery, his expression became more stoic in response to her endearment.

"You call me a monster, huh?! Then let me show you my monstrous act, sweetheart... you always choose the hard let it be Olivia," he let out maniacally while casting her a death glare. He had a devilish grin on his face, which terrified her even more. He slapped her hard. His action unbalanced her and she fell to the hard floor with a thud.

Severe pain radiated throughout her body, particularly from her lower abdomen. She saw Mrs Foster standing at the cell door and ran to Olivia for help, but Alex stopped her.

She just looked at her helplessly from a distance. Marcus pulled the chair beside table and posed like a king, crossing his legs and arms. He was unbothered to everything.

"GeT rId Of iT, AlEx!" he demanded in his Alpha tone, his eyes were cold and emotionless. Olivia was struggling to get off the ground, so she used the bed's edge for support. When he words fell from his mouth, she felt as if her soul had fled her body. Her face turned as pale as a sheet, and a shiver spread throughout her body.

"But it could be from you, Alpha; why would you want to kill your heir?" Alex inquired in confusion. Olivia recognized hesitation in his voice. He was unaware of the reality, whereas she was. She knew the whole truth about 'That Night'. Olivia get lost in a vivid memory and shivered visibly, while Marcus gave Alex a hard look for his comment.

"It's not mine, Alex!! What do you think I am going down the same lane as her husband? NO...NEVER!!....NOW STOP QUESTIONING ME AND FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTION," Marcus rose from his chair and grabbed Alex's collar. He was yelling in Alex's face, making him feel useless as usual.

"Yes, Alpha...!" Alex bowed and confirmed quietly. Olivia knew he was always eager to prove himself to his Alpha, and he would never turn down an opportunity.

"I pity you, Olivia...but you know we can not defy our Alpha, unlike a traitor who flees the pack like a coward," Alex legged towards her, mocking her along the way. She understood what he was saying, but before she could intervene, she received a powerful kick in the stomach.

The blow was so powerful that she immediately fell to the ground again. The pain was excruciating, and reality hit her hard.

"You know, Alex...Mark my day you will pay a high price for your loyalty," she meekly declared to Alex, using all of her energy to warn him about what they had inflicted on themselves.

She realized that every hope she had would be dashed, and she would be unable to save this life as well. She had to take the bull by the horns, and no one was going to help her do so.

Alex landed a few more hard kicks in her lower abdomen, and she felt something wet between her legs. She looked down to see herself and realized her entire uniform was soaked in blood.

She examined Marcus' expressions, and there was no emotion in his eyes, not even a hint of guilt. This time, instead of crying, she endured the pain silently. She never let a scream escape her mouth. She felt defeated and hopeless.

No amount of tears was enough for her. She has lost everything, including everyone. It felt as if her soul had been ripped apart and died within her. And now she felt empty of everything, with only one thought on her mind and all her determination.


This was her final thought as she collapsed on the floor, overcome by pain.

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